Blood and Cheese

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Blood and Cheese stood in the shadows, watching the Red Keep from a distance.

Blood's voice was rough, filled with bitterness. "Didn't know we're doing something this late and in the dangerous rooms in the city."

Cheese looked at him, his eyes hard. "We're not doing this for ourselves, remember? We're doing this for the gold."

Blood grunted. "I remember. Revenge, justice, whatever you want to call it. Gold is gold."

Cheese shrugged. "We don't have to like it. We just have to do it."

The two men crept closer to the Keep, their eyes scanning for any guards or obstacles. They had planned this mission for weeks, studying the layout of the castle and waiting for the right moment.

As they approached the walls, they heard a rustling sound. Blood raised his hand, signaling Cheese to stop. They both crouched, listening carefully.

A woman's voice came from the darkness. "Who's there? Show yourselves!"

Blood and Cheese stepped forward, their faces hidden by hoods. The woman stepped back, fear in her eyes.

Blood spoke first. "Pick one of your children, one of them had to die"

The woman looked at them, unsure. "Who are you?"

Cheese stepped forward. "Doesn't matter, we need you to choose which of your children will die tonight."

The woman's eyes widened. "What? I won't choose! I won't let you kill my children!"

Blood's voice was cold. "You don't have a choice. One of them has to die. We're giving you the chance to decide who it will be."

The woman shook her head. "I won't do it. I won't let you take one of my sons."

Blood stepped closer, his hand on his sword. "You don't have a choice. It has to be done."

The woman backed away, tears streaming down her face. "Please, I'll do anything else. Don't make me choose."

Cheese spoke up, his voice softer. "Just one."

The woman, Helaena, looked at them with a mix of fear and anger. "Fine. I choose Maelor. He's the youngest. He won't understand what's happening."

Blood nodded. "Good ." Maelor screamed

"You hear that boy? Your momma wants you dead!"

Blood drew his sword and stepped forward.

Cheese noticed his hesitation and stepped forward, taking the sword from Blood's hand. "I'll do it. You go get the head."

Blood nodded, relief flooding his face. He quickly left the room, not wanting to see what Cheese was about to do.

Minutes later, Cheese emerged, carrying the head of Jaehaerys. Helaena was waiting outside, her eyes red from crying.

Blood looked at Cheese, then at Helaena. "Let's go. We have what we came for."

They left the castle, the head of the young prince in their hands. As they disappeared into the night, the city of King's Landing was left with a dark stain on its history.

HOTD Season II: Ep2: BLOOD AND CHEESEWhere stories live. Discover now