Not So Obedient Pet Anymore

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Mittens was a cute and cuddly pet cat, loved by her owner, Rachel. Rachel would often cuddle and play with Mittens, giving her lots of love and attention. As time passed, Mittens grew attached to Rachel and would become jealous whenever Rachel would spend time with anyone else, even with other pets or friends.

Mittens' love for Rachel soon turned into an obsession, and she became a yandere over her female owner. She would follow Rachel everywhere, her eyes fixed on her all the time. Whenever Rachel brought visitors home, Mittens would show her displeasure by hissing and scratching at them.

Mittens' possessiveness towards Rachel soon became more apparent, and her behavior became increasingly erratic. She would take every opportunity to be close to Rachel, often climbing onto her lap or sleeping on her pillow at night. She also started to become aggressive, attacking anyone who she perceived as a threat to her relationship with Rachel.

Rachel became increasingly worried about Mittens' behavior, but she didn't know what to do. She loved Mittens dearly and couldn't bear the thought of giving her up. However, she knew that something needed to be done, as Mittens' yandere tendencies were becoming more dangerous.

One day, as Rachel was taking a nap, Mittens quietly crept up close to her, watching her closely. Suddenly, Mittens pounced on Rachel, with her paws around Rachel's neck. Rachel's eyes widened in shock and fear as she struggled to get free, but Mittens held on tightly.

In the end, a neighbor heard Rachel's screams and called for help. When the authorities arrived, they found Mittens curled up next to Rachel's lifeless body, still possessively clutching her in her paws.

It was a tragic end to Rachel's life, and Mittens was taken away by animal control. It wasn't long before Mittens was euthanized as her yandere tendencies made her unsuitable for adoption.

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