Never-Ending Obsession

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Lena had always been a shy and timid girl, never really standing out in a crowd. But she had a secret power - the ability to reset time. It wasn't anything she had asked for or could control, but whenever someone she cared about was in danger, time would reset and she would be given a chance to save them.

One day, Lena's classmate, Diana, caught her eye. Diana was confident and outgoing, the kind of person Lena had always wanted to be. Slowly but surely, Lena's feelings for Diana deepened into a crush. And then she discovered that Diana had a group of secret admirers who were obsessed with her, to the point of stalking and harassing her.

Lena couldn't just stand by and let this happen. Every time Diana was in danger, Lena's power would activate, resetting time and giving her a chance to intervene. At first, it seemed like a gift - she was able to save Diana from near-death experiences multiple times. But each time, the admirers would become more violent and more determined to eliminate the competition.

As Lena continued to reset time, she began to understand how her crush really felt about her. Diana was kind and grateful for the protection, but she never returned Lena's feelings. Lena saw her as a prize to be protected and won, and the more she intervened, the more her desperation grew.

One day, Lena snapped. She realized that the only way to keep Diana safe was to eliminate the threat altogether. She became a yandere, consumed by her love for Diana and her desire to protect her. She tracked down the admirers, one by one, and took them out of the picture permanently.

But each time, she had to reset time to make sure she had covered up her tracks and eliminated all evidence. The constant resetting began to take a toll on Lena's sanity, and she became increasingly obsessed, unwilling to let anyone come between her and Diana.

In the end, Lena became a prisoner of her own power, stuck in a time loop where she could never be happy or at peace. She had sacrificed everything for the sake of her love, but by doing so, she had lost everything that had made her who she was.

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