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That's great. Let's go inside now you must be hungry" Ella held her daughter's hand as they walked inside their house.


Luna wondered what time it is. It's only 5:30 when she came home.
She checked her watch and it was already 6:15 pm. '35 minutes has past. Time was fast' she pondered.

They both smelled something delicious and it was from the kitchen."mhmm, something smells delicious" Luna's mom giggled.

She went straight to the kitchen to see her dad was cooking some chicken curry and it look delicious.

Luna wasn't hungry until she saw the chicken curry steaming there beautifully. It look so appetizing the aroma of the curry was so addictive.

Her dad saw her by his side and immediately greeted her with a smile on his face.

"How's school sweetie?" He questioned while still stirring the curry.

"Uhh,it was good until someone pulled my hair hard" Luna confessed it to her dad. Her dad was very worried.

"But please dad, don't tell mom" and then her dad answered yes but he was still worried about her daughter.


After some minutes the chicken curry is already cooked and the mashed potato and peas ready too since their mom is craving some mashed potato and peas too.

Ella asked Luna to set the plates and everything at the dining table ready as she call her other kid Elliott.

Elliott is in his bedroom, playing with his playstation. He's playing an intense match with his friends when Ella knocked on the door.

"Elliott, it's time to eat!!!" She shouted.
He heard his mother's muffled voice outside his bedroom.

"Mom just 10 more minutes please!!" He responded still continued to play his game. He was playing there at his room nonstop ever since he got home from school.

"No, Elliott come here now and let's eat!" Ella opened door finding him sitting there in a poor posture while he was holding his game controller.

"Mom, I'm in a middle of a game. Please give me 10 more minute." Elliott begged.

"Elliott no, look at your posture?! You look like a shrimp playing there and you now have eyebags!?!?" She yelled at Elliott.

"Please mom. Can I play just 5 minutes?" He tried to begged again but failed.

"It's time to eat now! Do you me to confiscated your playstation?!" She commanded almost in mad voice.

Elliott couldn't say no to his mom unless his playstation will be confiscated. He followed her command and came with her down to the dining table.

As they go down to the dining room, Luna and her dad are done preparing the feast on the table. Elliott looks at the chicken curry.

'It look so delicious' Elliott thought as he gets hungry by staring at it like Luna did.

They all sat down in their sits and started to pray. They held each others hands and closed their eyes for them to thank God for the food.

After that they all started to eat. Luna was the first one to taste the curry while the other family members were still tasting the mashed potato.

"Mhmm delicious, this chicken curry is the best dad" Luna said with her mouth full of curry. Her dad chuckled "I know I'm the best at cooking".

"How's the mashed potato and peas honey?" Their dad asked their mom

"It's yummy Henry ehe" ella responded at her husband Henry.

After some minutes, Ella spoke "honey you know your son Elliott has been playing there inside his bedroom for 5 hours?" She said making Henry worried.

"Elliott your eyes, you've been playing there for 5 hours?!" He asked his son and he nodded.

"Elliott that bad for your eyes and for your health too you know? You can be blind if you keep doing that Elliott"

"Now you have limited time playing your playstation okay?" He said to Elliott and he followed.

And then they continued to eat their dinner and their chitchat. Laughing and giggling, they were all having a fun family time.


Sorry waiting for this chapter. I don't have much time time to write but anyways I hope you liked this chapter thank you❤🥰❤🥰


Unexpected Love|| Enhypen [니키] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon