Quick Getaway

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This is short because I'm a failure


Whenever days in Las Nevadas were slow and time felt like it couldn't move fast enough, your boss took you up to that one hill that had the view of the whole nation. It was a tiring walk, but it never failed to get your feelings of stress and doubt out of your systems. Quackity would ramble about his upcoming plans, spilling his greatest ideas along with improvements.

The world was little compared to the endless evolution of his mind. His nation was only a little splash of paint in the untouched canvas of his vision to created the worlds best nation. You could only seem to nod at everything he would say, wondering if there was enough time in his life to achieve a third of what he wanted to do. That's what you liked so much about him; he never stopped or settled with what he had.

You were both sitting on the fresh grass, feeling the wind caress your skin and the smell of nature filling up your lungs. Luckily for the two of you, this was the right time to observe the explosion of pastel colors decorate the sunset before the dark night came.

"Don't you wish you could start over? Go somewhere new? meet other people, learn what their every day is like? I wish I could feel that at least once" You recite your most current thoughts. The things that have been attacking your subconscious, teasing your brain to take action upon them. Of course you were too weak to listen, impulses were never meant to be listened to.

Quackitys body was on the grass, letting the sounds of bird chirping and the little humming of your voice disconnect him from reality for a moment. He was still present whenever you decided to talk though, the sound of voice could be able to wake him up from a comma. He's gotten so used to you. Even when he's asleep and you try to whisper to be quiet, it would wake him up.

His hand was behind his neck to support him, looking up at the sky. He only allowed himself to feel small whenever he stared up to something enormous like the sky. Something about what you said made him think.

"Yeah? How so?" Quackity asked interested.

"I've lived here my whole life. I guess meeting people at the hotel is pretty nice and im not complaining. But I just wonder what it would be like to start over in a new place where I don't know anybody" You try to explain, hugging your knees.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Quackity asked sarcastically. The side of his mouth quirked up once he heard you scoff. He was never serious around you, he let his real self come out if you were in the room.

"No?.. of course not. I just wonder what it would be like to get out of here for a bit. Maybe just a few days.. I don't know what do you think?" You lie next to him, resting on your side to look at his pretty grin forming on his face. Despite the time being together in secret, the nervousness of being this close still lingered in him.

"I think it could be fun.. Can we fake our death and resurrect in the magic theater for the Las Nevadas anniversary?" Quackity smiled, rolling his head to the side and grinning in a satisfactory way.

You thought about it for a second and before agreeing you took off his sunglasses to see his full face and then leaned in to close the gap between the two of you. He cupped your face, making sure to take his time kissing you back. His lips slowly moved with yours, sharing a mutual connection.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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