A Thousand Hours

978 13 2

Quackity + Wilbur
Ik we all know this classic but let's make it messier 😁😁

the venue was packed with uncles, cousins and relatives that y/n hasn't seen for years or ever in her life. Children were running around everywhere, sometimes knocking things down and screaming at the top of their lungs. The group of aunts were sitting down on the tables gossiping like there was no tomorrow.

this was far from what she wanted. she didn't want this stupid celebration full of people judging her and the dress she was wearing.

she didn't want to be around her drunk uncles and annoying kids dancing in the dance floor or just causing trouble. she didn't want this music playing in the quincianera she didn't want or asked for. not even her friends were allowed to come because it was a 'family' gathering. the only person that she was allowed to invite that wasn't family was her best friend that her parents really liked.

y/n had to practically beg her parents to let her bring someone else. this guy from y/ns government class that caught her eye the first week of school when they shared an interesting conversation on their deep hate for performative activism on social media. she didn't know where the conversation started, but he kept it going. soon after she started crushing on him, and she got the feeling he liked her too.

they both had this thing beating each other in class. she challenged him and she was always there to get him back. plus he was incredibly attractive and effortlessly funny. he was perfect.

Except, he still hasn't showed up yet. and hasn't answered her two texts asking where he was or if he was still coming. he seemed excited when he got the invitation, this was his first quinceañera ever. even though he stayed calm because he knew y/ns strong opinions on the whole quincianera tradition.

y/n was now sitting at the table with the cousins her age. she was bored, her head being supported by her hand. her eyes were at the colorful dance floor, the loud corridos (a type of mexican dance music) were making her head hurt. and this bright pink dress were making her back hurt because she couldn't let her shoulders drop or slouch. the tiara on her head was itchy and uncomfortable. and the acrylic nails she got done with her best friend were the worst of them all.

this was her first time getting her nails done. it felt like every time she touched something, her fingernails were being pulled away from her skin. she was surprised that none of them fell off yet.

she was miserable, but she couldn't break her mothers heart. y/ns mother didn't have a quince when she was her daughters age. it's kind of obvious y/ns mother wants to live her dream through her daughter. so that's the only reason y/n agreed. and her dad promised a car for her sixteen birthday.

at the table y/n kept glancing down at her phone hoping for that 'i'm outside' text. she even reserved the seat next to her just for him but he was still not here. he was the only thing that seemed to be right for her in this irritating night.

"he's probably on his way right now" y/ns best friend laura nudged her arm getting her attention. "don't sweat it" laura smiled seeing y/n turn to her with a frown.

"it's way too hot in here not to sweat" y/n sighed looking at her friend. for part of the night laura kept talking to her cousin pilar. they were pretty good at this family gathering crap, y/n always thought.

laura smiled rubbing y/ns arm in comfort. out of the two, laura was the best one at comforting. she was always the person that was able to calm y/n down during these situation.

"doesn't he work at that place.. the pizza place?" laura guessed.

"yeah" y/n sighed, placing her elbows on the table.

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