21 - "Translations"

Start from the beginning

Breeze smacked his lips. Things had been hard on all of them, but Keshawn was the only person he knew that seemed to shut down when things got hard. Even recently he had disappeared for weeks without saying anything or letting his family know he was okay or why he even went ghost. He didn't deal with stress well and it was obvious. But then again, he was the least hood out of everyone Breeze knew.

"Man, whatever Keshawn. Grandma been asking you too, right?" Breeze tested, hovering over the table.

"Asking me what?"

"About ole boy."

"Oh you mean your brother you went and started drama with and ended up dragging me into it by default? Yeah she's been asking about him. I told her we're still not talking to him and probably won't ever again. She told me about church and forgiveness and all that other stuff." Keshawn said dryly.

Breeze scoffed and pointed a finger at himself. "Me? I started drama with him?"

The two girlfriends looked over when they saw their boyfriends getting loud. Breeze looked at them and smiled. He pulled the lid back on the soda can and heard it open before he put the cool beverage to his lips and took a few gulps. By then the ladies had gone back to their own conversation, so Breeze continued.

"You bugging, I started drama with him. Wow, okay, I see who's side you're on."

"Yeah, you started drama with him. Because I told you to leave that man's wife alone. But you can't help yourself."

Breeze's eyes widened in disbelief. He told Keshawn the story a million times, but he was still being blamed for what happened. "She came to me."

"And you shoulda went to her husband. I don't care how Cilia woulda felt about you telling him. That's his wife, let them figure that out. But you keeping a secret like that from him made shit complicated."

Breeze leaned in closer, he knew how nosy Hope could be and if she only knew this conversation was about Cilia, she'd blow a knee out of place. "I was supposed to go and tell that man about his wife's rapist and disregard his wife not wanting him to know just because he's my brother? So then she could hate me and he could stay out of it and mind his business like he does all the time when I fall out with her. Just when we were starting to get along and be cordial, I shoulda went and fucked that up. Great advice."

"Your relationship with Allele is more important than the one with Cilia. So if it meant having his wife hate you but having your brother not, then it would've just had to be that."

"Well excuse me for wanting to have a healthy relationship with my sister-in-law."

Keshawn gave him a look. "By lying to him about not knowing anything about her rapist and then going with her yourself. You were way outta line. You have no excuses, if you wanted to honor Cilia's secret, all you had to say to him the moment she left your house, was 'Look Allele, Cilia came over here last night and I let her stay the night in the guest room because she was heated and upset about something. I think she may be headed to Richmond to do something crazy. I don't know but you need to go after her asap'. See how that was keeping her secret and being loyal to your brother by letting him know you had his whole wife at your crib?"

Breeze shrugged. "Alright but she woulda still knew I snitched, because how would he miraculously show up in Richmond right where she's at?"

"Who cares if she knew you snitched. You didn't tell her secret so oh well. See, this is what I'm talking about, your main priority is Cilia and how Cilia would feel and think, it should be about Allele. Now you went and got me in the shit because he went too far."

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