chapter 2 part 2

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Caleb laying on the 🛣️ got ran over
Courtney no no no crying 😭😭😭😭 no
Annie no!!!!! What the fuck you do to him what you do to my brother
Caleb unconscious
Annie no no no
Dante did you cheat on him Courtney
Courtney I...

Dante Yes or No 

Courtney I didn't He caught Steven forcibly kissed me again
Dante Sigh...  like ill belive you now Cmon you think im stupid you kissed him And you liked it 

Courtney sigh 

Later caleb all better 

Caleb Locking in his room argh crying 

Annie brother don't let this hurt you 

Caleb I really thought she would be with me not with steven

Annie : / 


Caleb at school ignoring Courtney 

Courtney Babe 

Caleb ignoring her 

Courtney Babe I didnt like it 

Caleb Sigh goes to class

Dante Dude dont trust her 

Caleb I don't 

Dante good man 

Courtney BABE Please

 Dante Leave him alone 

Courtney OMG Dante I didn't like the Kiss He forced me 

Caleb Just leave me alone Courtney I saw the kiss you liked it 

Courtney Caleb Please I love you and you only 

Caleb Leaves

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