Chapter 5

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"Once my men deliver your friends to me, I'm going to finish what Kathleen started." The woman declared, standing above you with a pointed look.

"Kathleen is dead. Kansas City QZ is destroyed. There is no more FEDRA. You guys are free. You don't have to do this." You began to ramble, trying to think of a way out of this because if you didn't, Joel and Ellie were going to die.

"Like how you didn't have to kill innocent people?" The woman shot back.

You sighed, staring up at her from where you were still on your knees. You glanced over at your rifle laying on the bitumen a few feet away before you focused back on the woman.

"Everyone I killed or locked up had done something bad. I never killed an innocent person."

"What about Kathleen's brother?"

And there it was.

You knew this topic would come up eventually.

Killing her brother was something that still haunted you. It was something that kept you up at night, but you'd do it all over again. Henry gave her brother up to FEDRA and you were given the order to execute him after he was interrogated. To publicly execute him.

You didn't want to do it. Henry didn't want to give him up either, but if you both played your parts then Sam would get his cancer treatment. So, you followed your orders.

Sam got his treatment, and the three of you live happily together in your apartment in KC, until the resistance stood up and ruined everything.

"You murdered her brother!" She yelled, her hand resting over the pistol on her hip. "You shot him in front of the whole city!"

"My superior officers were planning on doing a lot more than just killing him-"

"Like what?"

"Like torturing him for information on you guys and the rest of the resistance. So, I killed him. One bullet to the head and it was all over. He didn't suffer, it was quick. I made sure of that."

"So, it was a mercy kill?" She asked, a little surprised.


She didn't say anything for the longest moment before the man with a rats tail suddenly stepped forward.

"Doesn't change anything. She's still FEDRA, we kill her and her friends and then it's over." He stated sternly, staring at the woman in front of you before glancing down at you in disgust.

"Wait, what about Henry? Is he still with you?" She suddenly questioned as if just remembering that Henry was part of the reason Kathleen's brother was captured by FEDRA in the first place.

Your silence must have been enough of an answer though because a malicious smile began to spread across her face.

"He's dead, isn't he? Oh, no wonder you were so eager to die. It's all making sense now. The two of you were attached to the hip, I'm surprised you're still breathing if he's not."

You gritted your teeth but didn't retaliate at her words. She was trying to get a rise out of you, but you weren't going to give her that satisfaction.

"How'd he die? I bet it was something lame. He had it coming though, whatever it was. The world is a better place without that fucking rat in it. Oh, what about his brother? That stupid deaf kid? He dead too? I fucking hope so."

Yeah, fuck this. She wanted to get a rise out of you. She can get one.

Just as you were about to stand and fight, thunder suddenly rumbled loudly in the distance, and you paused. Thunder was always followed by lightening, right? You waited a few seconds before a sheet of lightening suddenly cracked through the stormy clouds above you.

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