Chapter 2

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"My plan worked. I delivered." Henry announced once you were back topside and walking down the empty street outside the city.

The moon was shining brightly in the sky above you, lighting up the road without the need of flashlights. You trailed behind them, your eyes scanning the old abandoned houses for any sign of movement, but it seemed to be clear.

"So, we cross the river and then what? Where are you gonna go?" Ellie asked, glancing over at Henry.

"Don't know yet."

"Well, we're going to Wyoming." She answered causing Joels head to snap in her direction with a warning look. "What? It's a huge state. It can fit three more people."

"No offence, kid. I think once we're out of here, we go our separate ways. It'll be better for everyone." You responded, eyeing Joel cautiously.

You still weren't sure what to make of him. Sure, he gave Sam his food last night, but he had been nothing but cold towards you. He clearly didn't want you or Henry around, he hadn't been trying to hide it, so it was better that you just went your separate ways.

"No, he'll change his mind. Trust me. This is how it goes. He's like, 'no, Ellie. Never, ever, ever happening.' And then I'm like, 'I'm gonna ask you a million more times.' And he's like-"

A gunshot suddenly cracked through the still night air. The bullet whizzing straight past your head and hitting the tree behind you with a loud bang.

"Move, move!" Joel's voice shouted.

You were already moving, grabbing Sam and Henry and shoving them down behind one of the broken-down cars beside Joel and Ellie.

"The fuck is that coming from?" Henry questioned in panic.

"Shut up." Joel snapped, glaring at him before he slowly peaked out over the hood of the car, but quickly ducked back down when the person fired again.

"Fuck. Let's move. Let's go." Henry said, grabbing Sam's hand and about to run away.

"No! Stay down." You ordered, grabbing Henry's other arm and yanking them both down just as another bullet flew past them. "Are you fucking crazy? You nearly got killed."

You shook your head at him before you peaked around the side of the car trying to locate the shooter before he fired again, and you saw the flash of the gunshot in the upper story of the house across the road.

"Shooter is in the top window of that house." You informed, glancing over at Joel whose wild panicked eyes met yours. "If you give me that gun I can sneak around the back of the house and take him out."

A surprised look flashed across his eyes, but he quickly schooled his expression and shook his head.

"I'll go. You guys stay here."

"What?" Ellie practically yelped.

"If you don't move, he's not gonna hit you." Joel reassured, his voice softer and gentler than you had ever heard it before he glanced over at you. "I'm gonna do what you said. Make sure they stay behind the car."

You nodded, reaching over and grabbing Sam's hand, making sure the boy didn't try and run anywhere, although it was probably Henry you should be worried about running if earlier was any indication.

"But if you go out there, he's gonna kill you." Ellie exclaimed.

"It's dark, and he has shit aim. Nobody's gonna kill me."

"Then he's gonna kill us."

"Do you trust me?" Joel asked, looking back at Ellie who nodded without hesitation.

Broken Without YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz