"None of the women in the pack are going to fight along with none of the injured pack members and children. You are going to stay back and watch over our town because I sure as hell know we are not having this fight on our territory, let their land get destroyed."

"Alpha, what if we would like to fight?" Before I could even get a word out to Becca, Thomas growled in obvious annoyance. They had a deep conversation through their own mind link and Thomas smiled Victoriously. Well at least he thought he had won until Becca walked up and stood next to me.

"Alright ladies! I know that all of you are not going to want to go off into a war but I know that there are a lot of you out there that want to fight for her. We all love her and we would do anything for her. So if you would like to fight alongside the guys please step forward so that Liam knows how many he is adding to the training list." To my surprise about thirty girls stepped forward, and as they did about thirty male wolfs growled in disapproval.

"Becca as much as I would like to let you all fight I don't think that any of your mates will let me, but even without you girls I know that we will win this fight easily."

"Alpha I don't think that any of us care what our mates think, if we did I don't think we would have stepped forward and volunteered. With all due respect, Alpha we are all planning on fighting, whether you want us there or not."

"Oh, Becca I'm all for having more wolves to help. But really I don't think your mates would let me live if I let you help."

"We are helping Liam, end of story." Having the extra thirty girls there would help a lot actually. I knew that they could each take care of themselves and could learn to fight easily.

"Alright any women that would like to help may, and any males above fifteen may fight as well. Now everyone please get out of my office. If you are planning on fighting in this war show up to training tomorrow. Meet me in the field at five thirty tomorrow morning. Don't be late!" There, that gave the women's mates time to talk them out of it.

As everyone filed out the single door I made my way back over to Leann. She looked just as beautiful as ever. All I wanted to do was open those big gorgeous blue eyes of hers. "Goodnight sweetheart I love you so much and even though I haven't talked to you in a very long time I fall deeper and deeper in love with you every day. Even though you wont see mine, ill see your beautiful face tomorrow.

I had moved my bed into the office along with everything else, I was going to be as close to her as I could. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Even if half of the women that said they wanted to help showed up tomorrow it meant that I had to start them off from the beginning.

4 hours later (around 3 in the morning)

I opened my eyes to the sound of movement. If the Lori Creek were already here I swear to god I was going to kill every one of them. As I shot out of bed I noticed that Leann was stirring in her deep sleep and I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed them and made my way over to her. "That's it babe you got it now just open them! Come back to me!"

I called my mother in through the mind link and she brought my father along with her. "Mom, dad, do you think that we should call the pack doctor?"

"Son, I think that she is probably just having a bad dream. Don't worry she will settle down in a minute. Now I'm going back to sleep, are you going Renee?"

"Honey I better go with him. If anything happens you better call me in here. Do you understand me young man? I said anything!" I couldn't believe that they were both leaving. Leann had not moved once in the last ninety days. This was progress!

"Fine mom whatever, will you watch her for me while I'm in training tomorrow?"

"Of course Liam, now try and get some sleep honey you have a big day tomorrow." I sat with Leann for another couple hours until it was time for training. I waited for my mother to make her way to the office and then I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. Once I had successfully stuffed myself I ran out the front door. It was still dark outside and I had about fifteen minutes before everyone else was going to start off to the field. I stripped off my boxers and shifted, sprinting my way through the woods. I was dodging trees and branches left and right knowing that I was getting close to the clearing.

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