When Makarov came down to the first floor he jumped up on the bar, grabbed a half full mug of alcohol and said. "Mirajane, could you set up our newcomers?" The white-haired woman in the red dress seemed confused and said. "Um, master. Lucy here is the only newcomer." "Not so. After all, he's here to join too." Makarov said and thumbed at Ben. Everyone in the guild looked where he was pointing only to see Ben sitting at the bar. Ben waved at everyone, but they all shouted in surprise as they had just noticed Ben for the first time. "When did you get here?" A man with onyx hair, and no clothes spare his black boxers, asked. "Uh, same time Makarov did. And you do realize you don't have clothes on, right?" Ben asked. "CRAP! Not again!" The onyx haired man shouted. "Again?" Ben asked. "It's not a day at Fairy Tail without Gray strippin' down to his skivvies. He doesn't even realize he does it." A brown-haired woman in a blue bikini top, a pair of dark red capris, and a pair of high heeled sandals said. Her outfit did nothing to cover her voluptuous figure, large breasts, and curvy waist. Ben had just realized she was there and when he turned to look at her, he found it difficult not to blush. Though the comment that she made caused Ben throw up an eyebrow. 'Doesn't even know he... How can he not know? Is it just that much of a habit?' Ben thought. "Well, let's get started with registering the both of you as Fairy Tail wizards. Lucy, I'll start with you, so if you'll come with me." Mirajane said and walked off with the blonde Wizard. Meanwhile, Ben stood near the bar by Makarov. "So, Ben. When do you think we should tell them about you?" Makarov asked. "As soon as possible. I'd like to make sure everyone knows so I'm not lying to them." Ben said. "You're technically not lying. You told me you can use Magic now. That makes you a Wizard." Makarov explained. Ben chuckled before saying. "I guess." "How old are you by the way?" Makarov asked. "Um... I'm 19. Why?" Ben asked. "Hmm, so in this world you'd be born in the year 765." Makarov said whilst wiping away the froth from his mustache. "Woah, really? Huh. Guess I'd better get used to the years." Ben said. Soon enough Lucy and Mirajane came out of the room and Ben followed Mirajane into the back.

Ben sat across the desk from Mirajane and was finally close enough to get a good look at her, this caused him to become as red as Four Arms. 'That's twice in one day I've caught myself blushing at the women here. Are all the women here runway and magazine cover models or something?' Ben thought. To be fair the woman sitting across from him was rather stunning, Ben felt that she had to be older than he was due to her physique. Mirajane was a slim young woman of below average height. She had long, white hair which curled slightly at the ends, with two bangs framing her face and reaching down to her chest; her hairstyle's most distinctive trait was the short, upward ponytail obtained by gathering and tying the hair covering her forehead, she had large blue eyes and a curvy, voluptuous body, with large breasts. Ben was using every ounce of willpower he had to not stare or look inappropriately. "All right, let's get started, shall we? What is your full name?" Mirajane asked. "My name is Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. But please just call me Ben." Ben told her. "Well, then please call me Mira." Mira asked of him. "Will do." Ben replied. Mira just smiled and giggled before moving on. "Ok, and your date of birth and age?" "December 27th... uh 765. I'm 19 years old." He said. "Really? So you're my age! I thought you'd be older." Mira commented. 'I could say the same thing to you!' Ben thought in complete shock. "Now, what Magic type do you use?" Mirajane asked as she moved onto her next question. "I use an advanced form of Transformation Magic, via Holder Magic. I also use a certain type of Magic never used before known as Evolution Magic." Ben told her. "Transformation? Do you use Take Over?" Mira asked. "No. Just Transformation Magic. I use this to transform into my different forms." Ben lifted up his left arm and showed her the Omnitrix. "What is it?" She asked curiously. "It's called the Omnitrix. And here's a paper that explains everything on what the Omnitrix is and is capable of." Ben said handing a folded slip of paper to Mira. She began to read the note and eventually folded it back up before asking. "Do you mind telling me who made this?" "...A friend." Ben responded. Mira nodded and asked. "Could you please explain what this Evolution Magic is?" "Well it only works with my Transformation Magic. But, essentially, it allows me to evolve my transformations into a more combat ready version of that species. I can also have multiple evolved forms of the same transformation; I think the most I have for one transformation is four. I also call these evolved forms, Ultimates." Ben explained. Mira was in shock; she had never heard of something like what Ben had just described. And a special type of Magic only usable by one person? She'd never thought that was possible. People can learn Magic and be taught different kinds to find the one that suits them, and some would work better than others but... personalized Magic had never been seen before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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