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My alarm goes off, I groan as I check the clock. My eyes widen.

"Shit, Blake we gotta go!" I said loudly jumping from my bed, and putting on my nurses outfit. Blake groans sitting up.

"How did you miss the clock?" Blake asked annoyed but not frustrated. I roll my eyes.

"You know, you could've heard it too. But you didn't." I said as he rolled his eyes jumping up and heading into the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth, putting my shoes on as quickly as I could. Blake walks into the kitchen.

"Maybe we should stay home?" Blake asked with a sigh. I cocked my head slightly.

"Are you serious? Blake we can't miss another day, we'll get fired!" I said to him as I put my hair up quickly.

"Allison, I'm serious, there's that weird virus going around anyways, maybe it's best." Blake reasons.

"Yeah they're likely over staffed they need us there." I said to him, as he rolled his eyes and threw on his shirt.

We walked out the door, the sun hiding behind the cloud, making the sky look gray. Blake got into the drivers seat, as I slipped into the passenger seat.

When we made it there we could not find a place to park, the place was so packed. Blake looked around tilting his head every which way.

"Jesus, you'd think staff would have some parking." Blake says as he parks in the side of the road.

We walk into the emergency department as our chief walked up to us.

"Where were you guys, we're over staffed, help where you can." The chief says as he walks off to a patient. Blake walks off to a patient beginning to check his vitals. I do the same looking for someone.

A woman was holding her arm with blood on her, I walked over to her with a smile.

"What happen here?" I asked genuinely curious, dog bite? Knife accident? Who knows. The woman winces as I take her hand off of her arm.

"Uh well it's a crazy story actually." She said smiling chuckling a little bit. I smile at her.

"We'll I've had a crazy morning so shoot." I tell her laughing.

"Well, a man ran up to me screaming and bit me in the arm. H-He wouldn't let go." She said recalling the moment. I furrowed my brows.

"You don't hear that everyday." I muttered under my breath. I swiped a temperature sensor on her forehead as it beeped.

"Oh, we'll you have a fever, so I'm going to give you some ibuprofen and some antibiotics for the bite. And you should be fine in a few weeks!" I smile at her. She smiles back, I glanced back to look for Blake but he was nowhere to be found. I walked up to another nurse.

"Have you seen Blake Green anywhere?" I asked
Her. She nodded and pointed.

"I saw him go to a trauma room with a patient." The nurse said. Great he had been gone, and this place was packed it was going to be a long day. Should've stayed home.

The moonlight shone on the vacant car that belonged to Blake, he must've been in surgery. I can't take the car, then he'd have no way to get home, so I began walking. The bright lights were blinding in this pitch black abyss. I heard a groan of a woman, I peeked around i corner to see a woman who was picking herself off her feet snarling.

I stepped back knowing there had been crazy people roaming the streets.

"H-hello?" I stuttered fear slathering my words.

No answer, just snarling and groaning as she walked into the light. And revealed her face. It was the woman from earlier, she was so nice why was she walking towards me so aggressively?

The woman lunged forward grabbing my forearms pulling me to her, I pulled back, as I struggled, she was strong, she kept pulling me and opening her mouth which was covered in blood.

"M-Ma'am, y-you need to stop p-please." I squeaked out. I looked into her eyes, I saw nothing, no pain, no fear, nothing. At this moment all I wondered was how could this sweet woman be such a beast.

It was then a gunshot rung out into the street, the woman fell to the floor as I did as well, trying to help her, I covered where the bullet wound was, it was the head, there was no saving her.

I snapped my head to the side to see a man holding a pistol, his eyes dark, I presumed them to be brown later confirmed when he stepped into the light, he had brown hair that was light but definitely brown.

"You okay?" He asked as he lowered his pistol, and placed it back into the holster.

"What the hell were you thinking. She was alive what the hell!" I said not comprehending the murder that had just happened right in-front of me.

"Yeah but she wasn't who she used to be, she's sick, and crazing, when I was in the military when someone's trying to kill you, you kill them first." He said stern holding his hand out to me, I grabbed his hand cautiously.

"I'm Dylan, Dylan Baker." He said holding his hand out to me. I shook his hand.

"I'm Allison, Allison Watson." I said shaking his hand. I remembered Blake. My eyes widened.

"My boyfriend, Blake he's still at the hospital." I said frantically. Dylan looked at me confused.

"Is he hurt?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, no he's a doctor." I said. Dylan looked conflicted.

"We can go there, but I've not heard good things about the hospital." Dylan winced a little. Fear crossed over my face.

We walked over to the hospital, it looked, quieter from when I was last there, it was weird, I only left like 30 minutes ago.

We ran in there, nobody. The place was ransacked.

"Blake!" I yelled. No answer. Tears roll down my eyes as my breaths become more short and less paced.

"He's not here." Dylan said looking at the ground.

"You don't know that." I said crying hysterically at this point. Dylan looked at the floor again.

"I think- I think I do." Dylan said. I looked at him with teary eyes as my face shifted from sadness to disbelief then anger.

"You don't. Know. That!" I screamed at him, running through all the trauma rooms, and the operating rooms. No one recognized. Only the dead. No Blake. Anywhere.

I fell down to the floor, holding my hands on my face tears drowned me. I felt hands on my shoulders.

"We got to go." Dylan said as I looked up at him. J looked at the floor and nodded.
New story, I will continue the other one but updates may be less frequent.

1162 words
Xoxo Alliestories_

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