//pt 9//

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Skwisgaar rested his head on his desk. Then quickly sat back up straight. He was supposed to be the straight A student after all. The one who only speaks when he is spoken to which he doesn't do often. He's supposed to be the one who rarely gets in trouble. The one who always comes to school looking perfect. The one who has the perfect girlfriend, the perfect looks, the perfect grades, perfect family. Straight A's, straight guy. If that wasn't who he was, then who was he really?

~cut to what Toki is doing 👀~

<I ams so boreddddd.... > Toki sighs deeply. Toki looks out the window at the snow covered trees. Glistening white snowflakes falling. A snow hare and it's three babies hopping along on the white snow blending in almost perfectly. Toki's eyes started to water. Toki put his head down on the window sill, sobbing. <I miss my mother. I miss mys father. But I don't wants to go back. They hurt me, but only because they love me! > Toki was so confused, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave Skwisgaar. This was HIS choice. It was HIS choice to follow Skwisgaar. It was HIS choice to leave his home. If he was upset he had no one to blame but himself. It was Toki's fault. Toki continued to cry, but more this time. Tears dripping down his face, taking sharp breaths in and out. His chest felt tight. As if he couldn't breathe. But there was nothing for him to do. No where for him to go. No one to comfort him. He was all alone.

~10 min timeskip~

Finally Toki stopped crying, at least enough for him to calm down a bit. He laid down and put his knees to his chest and continued sobbing. He just couldn't stop. Toki then realized he hated himself. <Everythings ams my fault. >

~back to Skwisgaar~

The bell rang. Finally. Axel had come down with a cold so it had been an especially long day when he had no one he wanted to talk to. Skwisgaar came home, opened the door to his room and saw Toki crying at the foot of his bed. "Ohs Toki.." he muttered under his breath. Skwisgaar sat down next to Toki and grabbed his hand. Toki looked up at Skwisgaar pulling him into a tight embrace." It ams okays now Toki. " Skwisgaar said running his fingers through Toki's brown hair, nervous to embrace Toki back." I loves you, Skwisgaar. " Toki said, his face buried in Skwisgaar's white sweater." I loves you toos, Toki. " Skwisgaar said quietly.

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