EPI-1 °•○● BE WITH ME●○•°

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~Hit you with that Ddu du ddu du~
"Ah yeah! Ah yeah!" Vibing to this legendary song of my queens, will never end. And I can see clearly that Junnie is so concentrated in driving as I'm sitting next to him. From the mirror at the top, I can see the other crackheads vibing to the song too like me. We were enjoying alot! But it was all of a sudden. A truck full of loads approached our car with a high speed. It was mid 3'o clock, where the road was completely empty And a truck crashed into our car. All I can feel is the heavy pain in my head and can see junnie fighting for his life and so I closed my eyes as I fainted.


"Junnie!!!!" I woke up screaming. The only thing I can see is a blur vision of someone familiar near me. "Ava! Calm down! You are alright" those are the words that echoed in my ears clearly which was spoken by that familiar person. I scrubbed my eyes and I can see that I'm in hospital And I can see JAEHYUN near me. You might think who is this Jaehyun, he is my fiancé. My guardian planned to marry me to him. He is a rich guy practically. He is the official heir of CHANEL enterprises. Kinda close to Kim Jennie also. He is actually a handsome guy. "Where are the others!?!?!" I started to get panic alot and i kept on questioning but he was being quiet the whole time I'm questioning. "JAEHYUN!!! ANSWER ME!!?" I yelled. He slowly mumbled "they are dead, all of them". My heartbeat stopped for a  moment. I felt hopeless, helpless. My tears started flow off. Begging Jaehyun to say these all a prank. And then I was crying at the Funeral. "WHY YOU GUYS LEFT ME!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU! I CAN'T BE HERE WITHOUT YOU ALL!!!!". Tears didnt wanted to stay into my eyes and so it kept on coming out. Jaehyun near me tried convincing me alot But I can't,  as my 5 friends are my TREASURES.

Days passed......

I stayed in Jaehyun's home. I used to visit the graveyard everyday placing new bouquets and say what all happened the whole day. And today is the day I met them all. We planned to celebrate it. But now! Tears again started to fight with my eyes to make my cheeks wet and so I went to church for praying so I will get some peace. Tears dripping from my eyes,  I did a little prayer, I saw the priest approaching me. I stood up and I wished him. He wished me back too. He looked kinda tensed. He introduced himself as KIM TAEHYUNG.
"oh! Hello priest Taehyung. I'm--" before i could finish my sentence, I got cut off by his words. In tensed yet serious tone he said "I know you, you are Yeom-ji, ryt? I'm actually here to warn you!".
Wait, did he called me
YEOM-JI ? Why is it so? Before I could question him anything he said me something in a hurried tone which I couldnt comprehend. "Look Yeom-ji! You must find the warriors soon! They are in danger! We need the warriors. Especially Beomgyu. So you must find all the five! I have to go now, if you find something inform it to me" saying these all, he disappeared from my sight. I came to know that he is talking about my friends. Why especially gyu? He called them warriors? And who is that Yeom-ji?. Questions played a football match inside my head as I understood that im the one who have to kick the ball to get a goal.

Find answers for those questions with Ava by reading the next epi 💓

Stay tuned💥💛
Until this is Takata Ava signing off here💙


NAME: Lee JaehyunAGE: 25RELATIINSHIP WITH AVA: FiancéSTATUS: Official heir of 'CHANEL' EnterprisesREAL NAME:?¿

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NAME: Lee Jaehyun
AGE: 25
STATUS: Official heir of 'CHANEL' Enterprises

💎More details of Jaehyun will be revealed in the upcoming episodes.💎

Ava writes~
The Dead Warriors
{Save me}

DEAD WARRIORS { SAVE ME } ~ TXT CYJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now