Part 2: A-LAN Has A Crush?!

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When I had left the office of the principle I ran into that beautiful creature again... What was her name again? Oh yeah Y/N. Ah. I've never heard of someone's name like that in like ever. I've never felt something like this with anybody. This is a feeling I can't explain. I need to talk to somebody who is an expert on this. Not Zed especially not Zed. They're siblings. I couldn't possibly. I know exactly who.

End of POV

Bucky: It's pretty simple actually. I mean, I just so happen to be an expert on ladies anyway. I mean, I've had millions and millions of girlfriends. Some of them who just happened to be Y/N. Still can't figure out why she wanted to let *gestures to himself* this go.

A-LAN: Well I didn't know who else to ask. I mean, I couldn't ask Zed that'd be picking a fruit from the forbidden tree. I mean he is her brother. And asking him about how to ask out his sister would be forbidden. Plus I'm equally afraid of him biting my head off because he's a zombie.

Bucky: Oh *chuckles* He doesn't bite heads off A-LAN. He eats brains. You silly little alien you! I think we're going to get along just fine.

Y/N notices Bucky and A-LAN talking and is very suspicious. Especially considering the fact that not too long ago Bucky was holding onto Zed's leg for dear life because he didn't want the alien to probe him and then literally in Principal's office he didn't want them tearing his face off. Curious, she walks up to Addison.

Y/N: Hey Addison, could I ask you something?

Addison: Yes of course Y/N you can ask me anything!

Y/N: Is there a reason why Bucky and A-LAN are... Talking to one another?

Addison: she turns around and sees them conversing with one another That is actually very odd of Bucky. Usually, you don't see him conversing with somebody that's not an Acey or apart of the mighty Shrimps. Plus, I thought he was terrified of the aliens.

Y/N: That's what confuses me too.

Addison: Maybe they're just talking about sports. Like how Zed won the championship the night the aliens came. Or maybe he's talking to him about possibly having one of his sisters or alien friends join the cheer squad or maybe—

Y/N: Addison have you ever noticed that you kind of talk a little too much?

Addison: Oh, I'm so sorry! Sometimes I tend to overchat about anything. Everything. Plus, Zed's been acting very strangely actually. I wanted to ask is there something he's not telling me? I mean, he's not cheating on me with another human or possibly a zombie right I mean it can't be 'I love you' because we literally said it at Prom not that long ago so—

Y/N: I'm pretty sure it's nothing to worry about and when he's ready to tell you he will.

Suddenly Bucky and A-LAN start walking their way towards the girls A-LAN stopping briefly.

A-LAN: H-Hi Y/N.

Y/N: Hi A-LAN.

A-LAN's breath is caught in his throat and he feels his heart racing miles and miles away. He couldn't believe that not even after 24 hours he's already feeling something for this girl. A feeling he couldn't explain. This was only the beginning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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