Chapter 212 : Avenger

Start from the beginning

This young Swiss brand is rewriting the rules of traditional watchmaking
ממומן | CODE41

“We saved Tingen.”

Captain... Klein shouted in silence.

He stood there like a statue for a good few minutes until he suddenly said with a smile, “Captain, your mental state was definitely not the best that day. You even said things like you could bring Old Neil into the dreamland if he hadn’t lost control. He was a Mystery Pryer, and you’re a Nightmare. You couldn’t consume the Beyonder characteristic that he left behind. Yes... You didn’t ask me what powerful offensive attacks I had. Was it trust, or did you forget about it... But, you definitely guessed something... I only took one Sealed Artifact and said it was for Leonard. Even without a brain, you could’ve guessed that I had the extra means for a powerful attack.”

Having said that, Klein paused, then he shook his head and sighed.

“I have no idea what I am now. Maybe I’m just an evil spirit that has clawed its way back from hell to seek revenge...”

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped. His tears streamed down his cheeks and finally, he shouted softly with a choking voice, “Captain... We miss you too!”

Klein felt the cold breeze blow past him as he lifted his hands to wipe his tears and blow his nose.

He became silent again and found a hidden spot nearby. He took four steps counterclockwise and entered the world above the gray fog.

He wanted to find the person that killed him with the aid of divination. He wanted to know the murderer who triggered all of this!

As he’s already appeared before me, I’m sure that I can divine some information...Klein pursed his lips tightly together and saw the lofty palace and ancient mottled table as usual.

He took the seat that belonged to The Fool. A yellowish-brown goatskin and fountain pen appeared before him.

Since his physical body in reality was under limited protection, Klein didn’t delay and wrote down his divination statement after a moment’s thought.

“The person who killed me.”

He recited it seven times and leaned back into the chair. He entered his dream with the aid of Cogitation.

In the blurry world, there were countless points of light dancing and gathering. In the end, they formed a scene.

A pair of brand new leather boots, a pair of slightly pale hands, and the Saint Selena’s urn that was held by those hands.

He looked up, and Klein saw a middle-aged man with short, dark blond hair.

He wore a black two-button suit, and one of his eyes was obviously blind while the other one was so blue that it was almost black. His facial features were like carvings, and his face had no wrinkles at all.

The image shattered and Klein woke up from his dream. His eyebrows were tightly knitted. He found his murderer very familiar.

As a Seer, he quickly understood why he found the person familiar. It was because he had seen the man’s photo on a wanted notice!

The murderer was Ince Zangwill! He was the former Archbishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess who took Sealed Artifact 0-08. He had failed to advance as a Gatekeeper!

“It’s him!” Countless images flashed through Klein’s head, and they finally stopped on the scene when Ince Zangwill picked up Saint Selena’s urn.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Klein extended his hands and rapped the edge of the long bronze table. He felt that he suddenly understood many things.

“The Captain said that a Beyonder that dies normally would leave behind a Beyonder characteristic. When gathered together, they’re equivalent to a potion that lacks the supplementary ingredients.

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