The forgotten is now found

Start from the beginning

after the tour and class so it is lunch

" wow this school is huge" I said amazed

" okay come on we have to get lunch" I heard Jughead call out

" Fat ass" I said under my breath and sitting down

" Tiny go talk to her" Fangs said nodding his head where She was

" Okay" I said getting up and walking to her

" Can I help you Serpent scum" she said looking up at me

" Cheryl can I talk to you"

" No ew what you have germs"

" I am clean" I informed her Grabbing her wrist

" get off you greasy Snake"

" Look at me Cheryl" i said with tears in my eyes

" Yo red look at us" I heard Sweetpea call out

" No leave me alone" she said about to walk away

" Heya red want a skittle"

"Hello My Lady" Fangs said

so I had to take my turn

" you will always  be my cherry on top" and she froze

" it can't be" she said turning around and looking at my necklace

" it is us Baby" I opened my arms

She jumped in my arms crying she was sobbing in my neck fangs and sweets walked behide us and joined the hug

" where you guys I have been looking"

" we have been looking for you what happened" sweetpea asked

" Mother found out that you guys were serpents and said I couldn't go back" she explaned

" why didn't you sneak" I asked

" don't think I tried every time I tried I got caught" she said wiping her eyes

"  We love you Cher" Sweets kissed her Forehead and Fangs did the same

" My lady" he said kissing her hand

" Fangs" she said kissing his cheek he giggles like a kid

" well I have to go to class now" she said getting down

" alright see you at break"

" Bye TT you guys too" she said looking into my eyes she said walking away swaying her hips

" she so has the hots for you Tiny" he said with a smirk

" No way she dating that Asian Kid" I said as we walked to class everyone mouth is on the ground

" hey Toni" some girl came up to me smirking

" Hi umm do I know you"- I asked

" No but I know you" she said sitting on my lap

" what the fuck are you doing" I said pushing her off of me

" Taking a seat" she said straddling my lap

" what the Fuck" Cheryl said walking in the class

" Cher umm she got on me I tried to get her off of me but"

" Get your dirty ass off of my TT Now before I put an arrow between your eyes" she said let me keep it on the dl Iow key got turned on

" who are you" the girl asked with eyeroll

" Okay class be quiet" the teacher said walking in

" Cher sit down babe" I said she pulled the girl by her hair off my lap and sat down

After class

" Cher that was low key Hot what you did back there" She blushed

" I know" she said then I heard someone call my name

" TOPAZ" I heard and turn around and saw That Reggie kid

" what Mantle"

" why are with my girl"

" I am not your girl Reggie you wanted me since we were in 6th Grade"

" she said she was single and by the pounding I gave her last night I made sure she was single" I said with a smirk he swings at me but I grabbed his arm and flip him over

" fuck" he groans

" Don't Test me Mantle" I said pull out My switchblade

" Okay I am sorry" he said giving up so We walked away leaving him there

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" Okay I am sorry" he said giving up so We walked away leaving him there

Okay that was the end of this one Tell me why People are so weird My cousin Kissed my toe in my sleep and took a picture and sent it to me talking about " I will always love your toes" I said WHAT THE FUCK Anyway that is it for today


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