Diary Entry #9

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Dear Diary,

We went back to school today which I was kind of dreading. I just couldn't bring myself to face the two couples. 

I mean I don't mind about Taehyun and Beomgyu but I didn't want to be a third wheel.

I reluctantly went to school after practically forcing myself out of bed and out through the door. I walked to school which was a bad idea because it started raining. Luckily I was just two minutes away from school or else I would have been soaked.

Beomgyu was waiting for me at the gate which  was a bit reassuring but hopefully I would have to run into Yeonjun and Huening Kai.

We got our timetables for the week and Beomgyu looked disappointed. He wouldn't have any lessons with me, Huening Kai or Taehyun and only one lesson with Yeonjun. I frowned at my timetable when I realised I had double science with Yeonjun and Huening Kai, and Huening Kai was my partner.

Just great, right? 

Me and Beomgyu parted ways because he wanted to go see Taehyun in the music rooms before lesson started and I wasn't one to stop him so I let him leave before I headed over to the science block. 

I just happened to run into the lovebirds halfway on the way. God knows where they had been all morning. They both were extremely polite which was strange. 

We went to science together and I was silent the whole way. I maintained the distance between me and Yeonjun

During science, we were working on our project as partners. I was with Huening Kai which I tried hard not to be awkward towards. Yeah. He was just my best friend who I have a crush on's boyfriend. Totally normal.

I didn't really talk to him much and I caught him frowning at me a couple of times. Yeonjun and him kept giving each other the looks. And it really annoyed me. 

I'm literally writing this at break time. Taehyun and Beomgyu are sitting next to me and they're nosy so I'm gonna stop writing.


Soobin 💅

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