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Years later...

"Hey Daichi! Do you think you'll be able to join us at the soccer field today?" asked a boy with midnight blue hair.

"No. Not today Yoru. Imma check out that old room that hasn't been used for the last 20 or so years with your sister," replied a boy with seafoam green hair and an athletic build.

"Alright," said Yoru. "Just make sure Ran knows that Mom's picking us up again at 5."

"Got it."

Daichi got out the keys he borrowed from the school office and used them to unlock the sliding door that had not been opened for a very long while. Upon entering though, he was shocked to see several awards and trophies still up on the walls and shelves in pristine condition as well as several other pieces of furniture that were still intact. Even the computers looked as if they were brand new though Daichi knew that they were actually more than 20 years old. The only thing that was somewhat out of place was a box with pictures of a white, blue, and red robot all over it.

"HGCE Aile Strike Gundam Revive?" questioned Daichi as he picked up the box. He looked around and saw an old letter opener which he used to remove the seals and take the cover off. Inside was a Strike Gundam that had been panel lined, painted, and topcoated along with several attachments for the model kit and a letter.

"Wow. Where'd you get that?" asked a pink haired girl with her hair tied up in a ponytail. She also wore a cheerleader's outfit which left her some of the lower portion of her body exposed.

"I just found it on this table and this letter," answered Daichi. "It's kinda weird cuz it's been addressed to me but no one has used this room in the last 20 or so years."

"What does it say?" asked the girl.

"Dear Dachi, when I was about your age my friends and I would come down here to build gunplas and play a game called Gunpla Breakers Battle Space. Unfortunately, they took all the servers down a month after I graduated so you won't be able to play it now. However, I've heard that they've been working on a new game that uses the same mechanics as Gunpla Breakers Battle Space and would release around the time you reached the same age as me and my friends when we played Gunpla Breakers Battle Space. In the meantime though, my friends and I came together to make a private server and get our old simulator up and running again. As a gift, I've built this Strike Gundam with my wife along with all the accessories for you to enjoy. I trust that you will revive this old club and enjoy gunpla the same way I did when I was your age. Farewell for now, Ryusei Fudou," read Daichi.

"Note, we also added the sword and launcher striker pack to this kit as well. Hope you enjoy," added the pinkette.

"Hey Daichi. What do you think we should do?"

"I don't know Ran, but still, it wouldn't hurt to try," answered Daichi. "This club ended a long time ago and has been waiting for someone to revive it. Ryusei left this for me to make sure it happens and I'm not going to let him down."

"But it ended many years ago. How can we be so sure that it'll come back?" asked Ran.

"Whoever this Ryusei guy is, he ended this club knowing that one day, people like us will allow it to start again," answered Daichi. "I may not know much about this club, but I'm willing to learn as I lead."

The boy picked up the gunpla and headed towards the old battle simulator to see what was in store for him. Meanwhile, inside the house of two former high school champions, a man smiles and says one phrase.

"It finally begins."


The end of one's journey, means the start for another one's.

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