Touma was wearing a white suit and sky blue tie that also had a few light blue flowers on it. His hair had been straightened out a bit and his glasses had been polished.

"You look great. Rindo will be excited to see you," answered Ryusei. He was wearing a suit as well. However, instead of a necktie, Ryusei was wearing a blue bow tie. Additionally, whereas Touma was wearing a completely white suit, Ryusei's suit jacket was black as well as the pants that went with it.

"Thanks Ryusei. Where's Yuuki and Asuza?" asked Touma.

"They're with Ono, Nishi, and Maedo," replied Ryusei. "They can hardly wait for this moment."

Ryusei took another look at the mirror before making some comments. "You know what, Sana's right. I look better in this when I'm wearing my red necktie."

"Hey! You guys ready?" asked Ichiho.

Touma and Ryusei nodded and headed out of the changing room to the altar.

"Nice look," commented Kenji. He and Ichiho were also in wedding attire as well but Kenji also had a small slap mark on his cheek.

"Woah. What happened?" asked Ryusei.

"He tried to peek into the girls changing room to see their progress but got caught right at the door by Ren," answered Ichiho. "It will go away soon. Ren said she didn't hit him that hard."

"I hope," lamented Kenji. "I can't go looking like this for the picture later."

Ryusei chuckled a bit before getting into position.

"Take it from here, Touma!"

Touma got into place at the altar as he waited for his bride to come.

"Say Ryusei, did you ever finish building all the Gundam SEED model kits?" asked Ichiho.

"Yep. Sana and I split the work. While I worked on the first five Gundam SEED Gundams, she did the Freedom, Justice, and Strike Rouge."

"So what've you guys been up to ever since Gunpla Breakers Battle Space closed?" asked Ryusei.

"Ren and I added AI for children as one of Tomori Enterprise's main focuses. It really helped with saving us after Gunpla Breakers Battle Space went down," answered Ichiho.

"I've been joining Yuri in other competitions and played a few gaming walkthroughs with her," replied Kenji. "Sometimes I wonder where she gets all her energy from."

"As for me, Nishi, and Maedo, we've opened a new shop together back at my hometown," said Ono. "However, to protect our sales, we've added a few other products like games, action figures, toys, and other models to sell alongside the gunplas."

"Touma and Rindo have been working on Rindo's singing career while also assisting with Tomori Enterprises' management," chimed Yuuki, Touma's younger brother. "I wanna be like him when I'm older."

"Me too," piped Azusa, Touma's younger sister.

"You will be one day if you do well in school and pay attention in the real world," advised Nishi.

"Guys, they're here."

The doors opened to reveal Rindo in an elegant wedding dress while carrying a bouquet of blue, white, and purple flowers. Sana and the other girls were following her from behind along with Rindo's parents who escorted the girls to the altar. As soon as Rindo made it to the altar, Ryusei smiled at Sana while they listened to the priest.

"Today we are gathered here..."

Hours later...

Ryusei and Sana were back at their new home. Touma and Rindo's wedding had ended and were going to go to Hawaii for their honeymoon. In the meantime, the rest of them had agreed to look after their house and make sure that everything was alright before they came back.

"Well Ryusei. Should we head to bed?"asked Sana. "Ichiho and Ren said they'll take care of it for tonight."

"Maybe. Unless you wanna stay up playing more Gundam Dynasty Warriors 2," answered her husband.

Sana smiled as she turned on the T.V.

"Sure thing though, can you at least let me beat you one time?"

"A real Gundam Dynasty Warrior isn't just for show!" quoted Ryusei.

The two laughed as they got out the controllers and spent the rest of the night enjoying the games and reminiscing their past times.

"Manaka was right. Fate really had a hand in our bond," commented Sana.

"Which is like a mobius. A representation of everlasting unity," replied Ryusei.

Ryusei put down his controller and looked at their display case.

"Sana, please remind me to get another case like this one tomorrow. The garage is not the best place to store the other gunplas."

"Don't worry. I already ordered one. It should be here tomorrow."

Sana joined her spouse in admiring the small scene they had recreated in the glass case. It was nearly identical to the wedding scene they had made back on the beach with the only visible difference being the addition of several wedding pictures and the gunplas being copies of the originals.

"Reminds me of our wedding day."

"You looked just like Dianthus when we did that diorama."

The couple then headed to their room which had their original gunplas.

"Do you think they'll ever bring back Gunpla Breakers Battle Space?" asked Sana.

"Probably not. Especially after so many of us have moved on in life. But still, I've heard they've been working on a new Gundam Breaker game that will allow the player to directly control the gunplas they made. Kinda like Gundam Build Fighters," answered Ryusei.

Hearing this made his wife smile as she crawled into their covers and signaled him over.

"Regardless, we'll keep on doing what we've been doing for now until it's time for us to go back again."

The married couple turned off the light and dozed off to another world.

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