Thirty-Eighth Chapter: For The Drama

Start from the beginning

"You don't know how bad you hurt my feelings too after that and you didn't have to bring up my sister in this mess either why did you call her a drug addict?!" Navy said as her eyes started to get watery as things started to build up.

Devante admitted he was in the wrong. "I was tripping and I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings I didn't mean to say that I was just caught in the moment and I lashed out I didn't mean it baby." Devante said gripping her waist as he leaned his forehead up against her head.

Navy nodded her head and gave him another chance but she better not never see that side of him again or she will be done with him this time.

Just then Dalvin walked In the house after waiting in the car.

"Hey Is everything good?" Dalvin said after peaking around the corner to see the grossest shit ever.

Navy and Devante went on and Ignored at that time while they stood there tongue kissing for a good minute.

Dalvin didn't like the Idea of seeing all that.

Luckily someone came downstairs who happened to live there with Navy and that person was Courtney.

"What the hell Dalvin I knew you was stalking me but I didn't think you would go this overboard?" Courtney said staring over at her stalker.

"Girl what are you talking about I was coming in here to get Devante for your information besides ain't nobody here to see you!" Dalvin said looking so uncomfortable.

"Wait Devante is here excuse me" Courtney said walking away from him to go get her bat while coming back downstairs to get at Devante for breaking Navy heart for the third time.

Courtney walked over to them both and demanded attention with her bat standing near her.

"Oh hey Courtney what's going on I haven't seen you in a minute?" Devante said turning his head around to face Courtney.

Courtney didn't show no friendliness she went off in his face Navy wasn't expecting this from her at all.

"Certainly not joking but it's around that time for you to leave I don't want you here so bye and Navy I don't give a damn about your ass crying so stop the tears!" Courtney said going off for no reason with a bat in her hand.

"Who you talking to you talking to me are you ok?" Devante asked in surprise to hear her say that.

"Yeah I'm fine but pretty soon you ain't going to be If you stay here much longer so why you do us both a favor and leave and don't make me tell you twice" Courtney said hitting the floor as people backed away in shock.


Courtney remained holding the bat while making everyone scattered around but except Devante he wasn't scared of nobody.

"Oh what the hell is going on?" Katrina says hearing all this confusion In the kitchen.

Just then Navy came to Devante defense to defend him. "Courtney stop I can't let you do this"

She stood in the way to stop it from happening because she loved Devante. "Well you don't have a choice besides why would you want to be with someone like this after all he did to you over the years I'm just trying to protect you from men's like him in the world I don't know why you can't realize that?"

"And I appreciate it I really do Courtney but I'm grown now and can make my own decision about who I date so if anyone have a problem with that then you can come to me!" Navy said pointing with her fingers at her chest.

Courtney had stop to think about it she looked at everyone around the room she didn't know she was going to defend her sister like this.

She began to get embarrassed feeling like a fool.

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