Chapter 6: Answers

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath, then closed my eyes as he did so.

As he was pouring the remedy onto her broken arm, bruises, and cuts, she slightly flinched from both how cold it was and the sudden stinging sensation it emitted.

After he finished applying it to her exposed injuries, he had opened a smaller vile containing a sedative so the healing process could quicken. He applied it to her forehead and soon, the medicine was in effect. Her hand went limp in Luke's.

He panicked and looked up at Solomon, but he reassured him that she was just asleep. He gently placed her arm down to her side and took a few steps back. Simeon watch Solomon closely as he carefully lifted her shirt to see the rib injury. He removed the large gauze she had and applied the remedy to her side.

Leaving her as she was on the sofa, Solomon watched as the potion was beginning to take effect. Simeon got up and joined him and Luke, seeing her bruises begin to recede and cuts heal up.

Although the potion was helping with the healing process, it was taking some time for the broken bones in her ribs and arm to fuse.

Meanwhile, in the Demon Lord's Castle...

Diavolo's POV

I watched as Barbatos entered with the seven demon brothers. All of them had transformed into their demon forms. Levi and Belphie were now returning back to normal. I could tell they were exhausted, not from the search, but from the emotional toll this has on them.

"What was so important that your interrupted our searchin' for that bastard?!" Mammon yelled out.

"I understand that you all are seeking out the new demon, but you mustn't take your anger out on Lord Diavolo," Barbatos said.

"Diavolo, do you know where that low life demon is? Is that the reason why you had Barbatos gather us here?" Lucifer asked me. I crossed my arms and nodded. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Where is that piece of-"

"Now now Satan, no need for the vulgar language," I interjected. "I know you all have been searching for him, and I had no issue with stopping you, but you all should've waited."

"For what?" asked Beelzebub.

"For Little D. No. 2 and the others to bring in the new demons," I answered.

"What do you mean 'bring them in'?" Belphegor asked.

"New demons who have come from the human world are to report to Lord Diavolo upon arrival. Depending on the severity of their cases, they will be sent to specific parts of the Devildom to inhabit," Barbatos informed.

"However, despite the requirement of all demons to report to the Demon Lord's castle, the specific demon you are looking for hasn't shown face," I added.

"Meaning?" asked Asmodeus.

"Meaning that this demon is using his limited luck to hide from Lord Diavolo, or is using some kind of magic to mask himself from being brought to the castle," Barbatos said.

"Whatever the case may be...we will find him!" I heard Lucifer say in a threatening, deep voice.

I will help him and his brothers find the demon that has caused them much pain.


Solomon's POV

"There. Finished." I moved away from MC, seeing that I applied the potion on all her injuries. Some of her smaller injuries had already healed while others are still taking time.

"How much longer until she wakes?" Simeon asked. I looked at the clock in the room then said, "Anywhere between 30-45 minutes. Her broken bones are taking longer to fuse, but with this potion, it not only helps her injuries but also raises her pain tolerance and makes it a little more difficult for her body to break in any kind of way."

"That's so cool!" Luke beamed. I watched as he stood beside her, a slight blush appearing on his face and his eyes slowly beginning to water. He turned to look at Simeon and I and said, "She asked me to hold her hand. She needed my help," as he smiled. Simeon patted his head and said, "You did well Luke."


A few minutes later, I heard rustling coming from the front door. The door swung open and the brothers all entered, now returned to their normal forms.

Instantly, 6 out of the 7 rushed up to us, seeing MC lying on the couch.

"What did you do to her?!"

"I thought I told you to watch over her!!"

"Why are her clothes shifted around?! What kind of perverse things were you doing to her?!"


I looked down, surprised to hear Luke shout.

"Solomon did nothing wrong. All he did was give MC a healing potion so she'd feel better. He gave her a sedative too so the medicine would work quicker," Simeon replied. The brothers all looked at me skeptically, but then glanced at her.

"It does look like the bruises and small cuts on her face are going away," Satan said as he got closer to her. Asmo stood by the armrest, close to where MC's head lay. He reached out and gently caressed her face.

"It would be best if she was returned to her bedroom."

I looked behind me and watched Lucifer approach. His brothers all stepped aside as he went up to MC, then carefully picked her up from the couch.

He was taken aback when, once she was in his arms, she was completely limp. For a brief moment, he thought of Lilith. He took a deep breath, adjusted his grip on MC, then said, "I will watch over her for the remainder of the afternoon."

"Hey, wait a sec-"

Mammon was ready to protest, but Simeon reached out and grabbed his shoulder, catching his attention. Although he was against it, Mammon couldn't necessarily go against his older brother's he let her go for the night.

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