And now he just witnessed All Might, the Symbol of Peace and former Number 1 Hero, take One For All from Deku, who was unconscious from the attack he had received.

For what reason? Does the former pro believe the idiots' side of the story?

Did he see Deku as a villain? Isn't Deku his protege? Does he not trust Deku that much and would go far to take back One For All just because of a fucking rumor?

Questions filled Bakugo's mind. And quite frankly, his intelligent mind couldn't find an answer to them.

As Lord Explosion Murder was contemplating all of this, inside Izuku's mind, a group of eight people were panicking. The former users of One For All are doing their best to keep Izuku's mind from collapsing. As Izuku was being beaten up by his classmates, his mind was breaking at a slow yet alarming rate.

At first, the vestiges didn't mind it since it only happened when Izuku was sad or reliving memories. But as the cracks began to increase and Izuku was getting beaten to a pulp, they began to use their stored energy to force Izuku's mind and body to heal. Though they were relieved that the cracks in his mind stopped spreading and his injuries began to heal faster even before Recovery Girl checked up on him, their panic returned when they felt One For All being forced out of Izuku's body.

Due to Izuku's unstable mental and physical state, and since they used their stored energy to heal him, they can't do anything to stop the pull from taking the quirk away from the boy. They were confused about who tried to take One For All, All Might, or Toshinori Yagi's vestige, which began fading.

The rest were confused by this phenomenon, but Toshinori (the vestige) knew why. It was his fault. He was fading because he took back One For All. After realizing this, the yellow apparition kneeled down and began tearing up. This action didn't go unnoticed by the other users, who widen their eyes when they realize what has happened.

The vestige of Toshinori silently wept at his actions and asked for forgiveness from Izuku, even in this form. As he faded away, he looked at the other users and apologized to them as well. The other users only nodded at him while Nana looked away, unable to meet her mentee's stare.

One by one, every single One For All user faded from Izuku's mind: disappointment from Daigoro (5th user), sadness from En (6th user), understanding from Yoichi and Hikage (1st and 4th, respectively), and indifference from the second and third users.

As Nana Shimura, the seventh user, waited for her turn to fade, she suddenly saw a flicker of light in front of her. Looking at the direction of the light, she saw a shattered screen in front of her. Curious to see what the screen was, she approached it. Only a few feet away from it, the screen lit up, and it showed an image that made Nana tear up.

The image showed Nana and her late husband smiling at the camera while they were holding two kids. A 2-year-old boy with short black hair was seen in her husband's hands, while a new-born girl could be seen in her arms. Looking at the small green strands of hair coming out of the baby's small head, she already knew something.

Tears flooded her eyes and streamed down her cheeks as she began fading away, whispering her apologies to her children.

"I'm sorry mommy wasn't there to raise and take care of you two, Kotaro. Inko.. I'm sorry.." The image in front of her shifted, showing the same baby girl now older and holding a baby boy with four freckles that formed a diamond. Her tears escaped her eyes once more as she stared at the image as she faded away, not without saying, "I'm sorry, Izuku."


Izuku slowly and groggily opened his eyes before closing them again because of the bright light that was the fluorescent light above him. Blinking the temporary blindness away, he began to wonder where he was.

When Green Fades to White (Version 2.0)Where stories live. Discover now