Shopping with the Ferret's Family Pt. 1

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(I am currently sick and apologize if updating has been slow. I've been studying for exams and tests and been missing school)

Hadrius woke up startled, Hedwig gave a loud screech that worked very well as an alarm clock. Hadrius sat up and groaned, stretching his arms and hearing his back crack. He looked around and noticed he fell asleep writing to Draco. He was decent with Draco since a third year incident happened. Hadrius happened to walk by when Draco was being chased by a dementor, a quick one too. Hadrius chased after them and quickly dispelled the dementor with a Patronus charm. 

Hadrius sighed and rubbed his eyes. He looked down at the letter and saw that he had smudged a lot of the ink and made a mess of it, both on his arms and desk. 

Hadrius stood up and started cleaning up, dropping the messed up letter into the trash bin and using a spell to rid of the dry ink on the desk. He walked into the bathroom, ink still coating his arms, and started a bath. 

Hadrius walked out of the bathroom and picked out some clothes, he had just remembered he and his father were going shopping for his stuff this year, they were to be joined by the Malfoys, aka the Ferret Family, whom are people that are the realistic versions of the finger family but with ferrets. Although, there were no baby or sister finger. Only mother, father and brother finger. He did gain news through eavesdropping that Narcissa was pregnant so a baby ferret can be included. 

Hadrius walked back into the bathroom, clothes in hand, and placed them onto the counter. He checked the water and hummed when the water was perfect. He undressed and stepped into the tub. He let himself sink into the warm water and closed his his eyes. He opened them again and began bathing. 

He scrubbed his hair and body, making sure every inch was clean. He wanted to be very clean and proper in comparison to Draco, not that is mattered. Hadrius finished up and stepped out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He bent over and unplugged the block and watched the water drain from the tub quickly. 

Hadrius walked over to the sink counter and began his facial work. He washed his face, despite just showering and placed a face mask on it. He didn't mind using face masks, the feeling it has is calming and relaxing and his skin had an ethereal look to it. Hadrius brushed his teeth, enjoying the satisfying spicy feel the toothpaste gave in his mouth. He spat the paste out and used mouth wash, cause he is a very clean wizard...cleaner than most. 

Hadrius swished the blue liquid in his mouth, the refreshing feeling was so enticingly nice. He spat it out and cleaned the outside of his mouth. He wondered if he should wear the special necklace he got from Regulus, he met him during his dream. 

Hadrius crouched down, careful as the towel was still around his waist. He opened a drawer and pulled out a black. He stood up and placed the box onto the counter gently, unsure if the item inside was very fragile. 


Hadrius's Pov-

I stared down at the box, unsure if I really was going to open it. I pushed it to the side and got ready, putting on my clothes and pulling off the facemask.

{Did anyone forget he was wearing a face mask? I did for a second}

I was doing my hair, gotta look my best ya know, and giving it all that shine and style that would make me look very mature and serious, like the mature person I am. 

I liked the style, it was simple, out of the face, clean and very mature looking. I gave a smile at the mirror and gave a genuine one when I saw myself looking very clean and fresh. I glanced back at the box, hmm...

I pulled it towards me and opened it, peering down at the necklace I treasure so much. Its blue hue was enticing and I had a hard time going against the idea.

I gently grab the necklace and weight it in my hands, feeling the cold metal slither across my skin as I moved the necklace around. I smile and place the necklace around my neck, I then closed its clasp. I look in the mirror and smile, the necklace finishing the look beautifully. 

I walked out of the bathroom, ready to leave for Diagon Alley. I walked over to my desk and pulled off my satchel from the head of the chair. I peeked inside and saw it was empty, I think I removed its contents last night when I was cleaning. I quickly placed some special items and closed the pack up. I throw it over my shoulder and head out of the door. 

I see Blimpy, another sweet house elf that is seen a couple times unless called, and greet her like how I would when I usually see her.

"Hello Blimpy, how are you doing?" I questioned, studying the elf's expression. The elf quickly jumped in surprise but smiled shyly. Blimpy bowed and stood up again after a second.

"I's been good, Young Master Hadrian. How's you be?" Blimpy asked cheerfully, waving around her hand that held a blue cloth. I smile warmly and respond.

"I am as well as I could be, is Father ready to leave yet?" I asked the elf, I do hope that he is ready to deal with some ferrets. The family can be...overwhelming, with the exception of Narcissa, she is very sweet and kind.

"Master Kingly is ready, he be waiting by the fireplace," Blimpy said before vanishing away. I blinked and shrugged. I walked down and saw a familiar face.

"______?!" I shouted in shock.


That is all. Sorry, I just got home from a choir concert and am working on a project.

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