Noah. I repeat in my head as a small smile creeps on to my lips

"Ava. Ava Fernandez." I say "Nice to meet you" 

Noah slightly nods before looking to his boss and roles his eyes in the smallest action, that would go easily unnoticed unless u were looking intently at him. He looks back at me with a scowl on his face, his eyebrows creating his expression look more annoyed.

What the hell is his problem. I furrow my brows at this sudden mood change

Please don't tell me I have to live AND work with an asshole. I slightly wince at the though.

"Well we have already bought the apartment and the plane tickets, so I would just suggest for you two to go out to a restaurant for dinner to get to know each other" Rob says while giving a sidelong at the boy beside him. 

Suddenly, the dark, wooden table is very interesting as I begin to try sort through my thoughts.
Pros: I get to go to a new apartment in London and have a new crime to investigate                       Cons: I have to share said apartment and get to know someone who might just be a complete dick and pain in the ass. 

Before completely leaving the building I decide to catch up with Noah

"Hey, so how about we go to the café around the block from here on Thursday?" I say as i finally catch up to him

"Fine" He responds and then proceeds to pick up his pace to head out the door.

This may be the worst couple of months I have ever experienced. Actually. I take that back. I think to myself, snapping out of my thoughts before they take me back to when I was 16.

I step out the wide, glass doors into the cool New York breeze. The rain has finally cleared up by the time I leave.

I get my phone out of my black purse and dial in Lily's number. After 3 rings she picks up

"Hello?" Says a small voice from the other side of the screen

I explain the new case I have been assigned to and how I will need to move to London for a couple months, maybe a year at most. As i expected, she wasn't happy about it.

"Ava, you basically have no life! Your dedicating your life to your job." 

My lips open but no sound comes out. Is this really what she thinks of me? She thinks i have no life?

"Ava your not dad. He put too much pressure on you when we were kids. You don't have to work so much-"

I hang up, cutting her off before she could continue. Dad did his best to keep all three of us afloat. I don't work this much because I have no life. I work so I don't go back to those times, so I know i always have enough money and wont have to-

I pick up my pace so I'm close to a light jog.

I get my keys out from my purse and unlock my door.

I enter my large apartment, and throw myself onto the soft, black couch, taking of my black heels before proceeding into the kitchen to make myself a mug of coffee. The kitchen is large and modern, full of whites and blacks. 

I grab my coffee and go back to my living room, stepping towards the large bookshelf and picking out a book i have not read yet. I place my mug and book on the coffee table in front of the couch before walking towards the bedroom to grab a small blanket.


As I enter the quaint café i spot the tall man i was looking for sat on a small table, in the far corner of the room beside a large window.  

As i make my way towards him through the busy room. His face is set in his usual scowl as he talks to someone on the phone, His brows furrow as his face tenses up in annoyance, his fingers move up to slightly brush over his temples and then up further to run his hand through his messy, dark hair.

He suddenly looks up, catching my gaze before saying some final words and hanging up the phone. As i get closer he stands up and reaches his hand out

"Noah" I say giving him a slight smile, shaking his hand

"Fernandez" He says, looking intently into my eyes

I furrow my brows while taking my seat in front of him

This is going to be a big waste of my time.

"So um- how old are you?" I say trying to move the conversation

"28, you?" He replies looking at me with the pout still displayed on his lips, bringing out his facial features

"26" I reply looking away from him at the sudden movement of a person coming todays us

The waitress comes to our corner to collect our order.

"Could i get a burger please" The boy in front of me says averting his gaze towards the pretty brunette beside us

"I'll have a salad please" I speak with a small smile

The lady goes to turn around 

"Actually-" I say " Could i also get a martini please" 

She nods "Just one?" 

"I'll get one too" Noah speaks up and he sits deeper into his chair

The waitress nods and turns to go back to the counter

Fuck formality. 

"Just to be clear" He says with a scowl on his face as he looks back at me "I'm the best policeman in the city so if you just stay out of my way and let me clear the case then I'm sure it would happen much faster"

I furrow my brows and glare at him "Just to clear things up" I say sounding innocent and calm, although I'm sure my facial features gives me away "I'm the best detective in the city. It my job to solve cases so i don't need you to tell me what I'm doing" I say shooting him daggers one last time before a phone notification goes off.


We finished our food and were out of the café by 2 o'clock, giving me time to go to my sisters small apartment. I said hello to her boyfriend and we all spend the evening chatting and talking about my new case in London.

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