I Don't Know

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Have you ever just sat down
& looked around to notice
you're feeling absolutely nothing?

I mean, sure,
if someone were to punch you,
you'd feel it & if you touch something,
you feel that too.
But emotionally, you're just numb...
or at least unaware of your emotions
that you sit there not knowing what you're currently feeling
or how to really feel at all?

It's almost like you forgot how to.
You question yourself.
You should be happy.
You've wanted a break for so long,
for all the stress & pain that caused you to stay up late crying into your pillow
to just finally leave you alone...
but even this feels wrong.
It feels uncomfortable
& you get scared.
You sit there & let it eat away at you
because you can't change it
& you can't tell anyone.
It's just you with this feeling.
That's it.
& you don't know what's worse;
drowning from all the pain
or feeling frozen as you watch something horrible
& wishing you could do something, but knowing you can't.

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