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I opened my eyes and called VEL again.

Astrid: VEL... VEL. Are you there?

Vel: Did you call me? And where are we? It seems like we are in a whole new world- no more like a whole new Universe.

Astrid: Vel scan the whole area and make a search of all the parallel universes and see if anything matches."

I say that in a serious voice yet with an excited face.

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Astrid: As I thought. This is way too unfamiliar for a parallel universe.

Vel: Btw I did a whole scan and I found something. This is not a parallel universe. It is a whole another universe that is not parallel to our universe.

Astrid: Is that so.

I make an excited face thinking of all the challenges I can experience.

Astrid: Let's try something. PORTAL.

A portal appears in front of me.

Astrid: Set destination to home.

My surroundings start to get weird almost like it is breaking apart and the portal breaks.

Astrid: It would seem like I can't get to my home. Ok, let's explore, shall we? But first CORRUPTION.

This is a kind of technology that I invented that scans with infinite range and can scan faster than the speed of light and also corrupts all atoms and energies so that I can bend them at my will.

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Astrid: Huh? What is this? New element? What is it? Vel transfer the info to my brain.

Vel: Understood. Transferring info to the brain.

Astrid: What? Unknown energy? What can this do? Maybe the surrounding lifeforms know about this. Vel how much is the world corrupted and upto what light year have you scanned? Did you find any living beings that might use this energy and know about it?

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Astrid: What?

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