Chapter 21

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AN: This is going to be a short Chapter. Hope you enjoy and remember to leave a comment.

"Look! Bart's onstage. And he's contributing to the entertainment!" Mrs. Simpson exclaimed as she and her husband walked into the jazz club. I moved my chair over so that the couple could sit down with their daughter. "I was jamming with Skinny Turner and Marbles Le Marques! And they want me to join their trio!" Bart said with excitement as he went off stage to tell the table. "Whoo-hoo! What's next? A contract with Groove-tone Records? Take the G-train, baby. Groove-tone!" Mr. Simpson told his son while extending his arm as if to show off a sign.

Bart ran over to the band and low-fived each member as a sign that he wanted to join the band. "Oh, I can't believe it." Grumbled Lisa as she watched her dream be achieved by her brother. "Lisa, Michelle, why aren't you smiling with us?" Mrs. Simpson asked us. "I'll let Lisa explain, Mrs. Simpson," I answered as I let Lisa tell them what was wrong. "'Cause I've wanted to jam with jazz musicians all my life. How would Bart like it if I just hopped on his skateboard and instantly became great?" Lisa said, picking up her brother's skateboard. "Uh, Lisa, I really don't think you should get on that skateboard without at least putting on some kneepads and a helmet," I said but Lisa was so consumed with jealousy that she didn't even hear me.

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