Chapter 17 - The Dinner

Start from the beginning

"Maybe not. But I can sure as hell try." I retorted, turning on my heel and walking away.


We were all sitting around the table, eating dinner. Jenna and Elijah were talking about what we did this morning.

"Oh, and Damon. According to Elijah, your family is so not founders of this town." Jenna said, smirking.

"Oh really. Do tell." Damon said, looking to Elijah.

"Well, as I was telling Jenna and Cassidy this morning, there are stories that a group of witches from Salem migrated and settled here due to the trials there. After a few decades, there was a nice little settlement here, but when the rest of the townspeople learned of the witches, they burned them at the stake."

"Hmm." Damon hummed. "And why were you looking for this site?"

"A healthy historian curiosity." Elijah replied calmly.

"I see."

Andy said something, but I zoned out, thinking about those poor witches who were burned alive. I shivered to think about what that must have been like, and how I would feel if it was Bonnie. Even though she was a witch, I still loved her; she was still one of my best friends. I couldn't imagine sending her to die, or even watching it. I couldn't understand it.

I was brought out of my reverie when Elijah touched my leg above my knee, just in time to hear Andie say, "The men should take their drink in the parlor."

Everyone nodded, and Elijah, Damon, and Alaric left the room. Only John stayed. I wondered why he was here, but put it out of mind as I watched Elijah leave, worried about what Damon might do.

Jenna and Andie started towards the kitchen with the dishes, and I went to follow, but John grabbed my arm.

"Cassidy. It is so good to see you. How have you been?"

"I've been okay, John. How about you?" I ask. I think back to how Elena told me how he was her real father, and how he had tried to kill all the vampires, Stefan and Damon included.

"I've been okay too. Now, I noticed you have been hanging out with Elijah. It is not really my business, but do you know what you are doing? He is so much older than you."

I scowled.

"You're right, John, it isn't your business. But I do know exactly what I am doing." I said, emphasizing exactly to give him the hint that I knew.

"You know." he whispers, frowning.

"I know everything." I growl.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." he said, grabbing plates and walking to the kitchen.

"I won't." I say, grabbing the silverware and following him.

Jenna sends us all back out, saying she was just waiting for dessert. When we go back out,

Damon, Alaric, and Elijah are all back. I breathe a sigh of relief, then go and sit by Elijah. I smile at him and he smiles back, grabbing my hand to let me know all is okay. I squeeze his hand and hold on to it.

All of a sudden, Damon speaks.

"You know Elijah, John is Elena's biological dad, but she can't stand him, so there is no reason to keep him on the endangered persons list." Damon speaks up, glaring at him.

Elijah just smirks, looking between John and Damon.

"Elijah, may I ask you a few questions. I am curious about this book you are writing." Andie says. I stare at her suspiciously.

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