Chapter 3

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Aizawa was now fighting off Hawks while Endeavor and a few other heroes chased after Dabi and the league. The student heroes were now capturing and saving the mind-controlled citizens of their city.

Aizawa felt clawing at his skin, his clothes ripping and his skin cutting, blood seeping through his dark clothes.

"Please snap out of it, Hawks, I don't wanna fight you! But you're leaving me no other choice" he said, now wrapping his scarf around Hawks, tightening the hold on him.

Hawks then cut through the scarf and released himself, attacking Aizawa again. Then, suddenly, another pair of restraints wrapped around him, only this time they were much more tougher than Ailzawa's scarf. These restraints were tighter, stronger, and harder to break.

Aizawa looked over to see Best Jeanist walking over to them. "I've got your back, Eraserhead!" He said, running over.

"How'd you know about this?" Aizawa questioned.

"The league, and they're on their way here" Jeanist responded, now walking closer to Hawks, who struggled to get out of his restraints, struggling to move.

He placed a hand on Hawks's cheek, Hawks freezing and slowly looking up at him, his red eyes soon pouring with tears. "You're trapped inside there, aren't you? You're begging for help but no one can hear you" Best Jeanist then softly spoke.

Hawks's tears then slipped down into his hand, as they both slipped down to their knees, Best Jeanist hugging him.

Aizawa widened his eyes at the sight. He didn't realize Hawks hasn't completely lost his mind just yet.

"They told me it takes a few hours for one dosage to completely finish taking over someone's mind. If he had more than one dosage, it'll take longer for him, or possibly even shorter, we need to get help quickly" Best Jeanist said, now standing up on his feet again.

Suddenly, a blast of hot blue flame came crashing over towards them, hitting Hawks directly, causing him to cry out.

Aizawa and Best Jeanist got in front of the hurt hero and both prepared themselves as Dabi, Toga, and Spinner came walking over to them. Mr Compress had been busy handling toxins.

"I said he was my pet, I would obviously come back for him" Dabi said, aiming another flame.

The two quickly got out of the way, both reaching out to help Hawks as well, who was now passed out, the restraints that had been in now crumbled away from Dabi's flames.


The 1-A class all stared at their big group of citizens that they had captured, all sitting around tied up inside a room, as the students watched through a glass door.

"So, what do we do now?" Sero asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Mr Aizawa didn't say what to do after we captured them, only to bring them here where Recovery Girl could hopefully help them" Uraraka said.

"Maybe we just go back to the dorms?" Kirishima guessed.

"We could help the pros with the villains" Mineta suggested.

"I'm a bit worked out, I think we should go with Kirishima's suggestion and go back to the dorms until they tell us what to do next" Denki said.

The rest of the class agreed and soon they all left and began walking away.

"Do you think Hawks has it worse than them?" Jirou questioned as they walked through the halls of the hospital they were at.

"Aizawa only said he had been attacking by Dabi's orders, he could have it just the same" Shoto responded.

"I heard he has it worse since he grew out claws and stuff and these people here that we caught didn't" Izuku joined in.

"What the hell?" Bakugou questioned.

"Yeah, did you not see the recent post that Dabi villain posted?" Tsuyu asked, pulling out her phone.

They all gathered around her as she pulled up a post of a picture of the number two pro hero. He was in a bird cage, hanging from the ceiling. He was shirtless and grabbing on to the bars, his sharp teeth gritted, his long claws scratching the bars. He had burns all over and red eyes. Beneath the post read, 'MY PET, THE NUMBER 2 PRO HERO HAWKS! LIKE IT OR LEAVE IT, I DON'T CARE'.

"Damn, he's got over a thousand likes on that! The hell is wrong with him?" Kirishima wondered, widening his eyes.

"Obviously a lot is, he is a villain after all, dumbass" Bakugou scowlded.

They then began walking towards the exit again when Recovery Girl soon came running towards them, a bag in hand.

"Recovery Girl! What's going on? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked.

"I have found an antidote for that toxin! You all want to help me inject this antidote?" Recovery Girl said, smiling.

"Whatever" Bakugou shrugged.

"It's the best we can do to help" Iida smiled.

They then walked back from where they came from with Recovery Girl and helped her inject antidotes and medicine.


Hawks awoke once again in his usual cage he had been in. He groaned, feeling pain rushing all over his body. He looked around to see the league sitting on the couch of the main room in front of him. 

He noticed his chest was wrapped in a bandage, along with his arms. He then looked back at the league in front of him when he heard someone speak.

"Toya, your little bird is awake" Toga said as she played with her knife.

Dabi looked over at Hawks and growled, getting up from his spot and walking over. "We almost got our asses kicked because of you! Passing out the way you did! Time for a little punishment" he spoke, grabbing another syringe from the side table beside the cage.

"Dabi, stabbing him with that stuff until you're satisfied won't do anything but add more to his body" Spinner reminded, watching Dabi.

"Ah, you're forgetting, it also increases the speed of it working and makes him more controlled for me than one dosage. Therefore, I added three so far. This one is his fourth." Dabi laughed, poking the syringe into Hawks's skin.

"Tomura said to only use them on citizens" Toga commented.

"Himiko, a pro hero is just another citizen playing imaginary. Besides, I'm getting my revenge on him!" Dabi corrected her, his voice deepening at the end.

Toga shrugged and got up and left. "Whatever you say." She said.

Dabi then poked another syringe after the other, Hawks flinching each time. Soon, only two syringes were left. Mr Compress could always make more in a way, but Dabi was finally satisfied of the monster he had created from what once was a pro hero.

He laughed as he watched Hawks slowly close his eyes to fall asleep. The next time he'd wake up his mind would have lost all memories of being a hero. He would lose all his memories of his friends. Everything will be forgotten about his life and himself. His mind will be all in control of Dabi. He'll forget everything else.

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