He liked her so much it made him feel crazy.

" See you at the tech room. " Was the last thing Ryan said before sauntering off to her bedroom.

Gar stood still for a moment, just watching her. The way her dark, thick hair bounced behind her, how her hips slightly swayed back and forth, and how her sweatpants curved along her body.

" You look like a total fucking creep. " Jason called out, suddenly appearing next to the teen.

Gar jumped at the sudden words, his head snapping in Jason's direction. " Wha-I mean-I was just-just thinking. Ya'know lost in thought. " He quickly explained already walking away from the other. " I-I gotta go, see you in the tech room! "

Jason's teeth grinded together as he watched Gar practically run away. His jealously had only continued to grow inside him the longer he was stuck around the two, and he could feel him almost reaching his boiling point.

He loved Ryan, he could feel it in his bones how much he loved her and he wasn't going to lose her to some dweeb like Gar.

RYAN SAT CURLED UP IN HER BED, eyes focused on her phone. Every since their final battle with Trigon, the group had greatly improved with communicating with one another.

Every few days Dawn, and Hank or Donna and Kory would either call or text Ryan. At this moment she was texting Donna. It was casual conversation, updates on how training is and what's it like being in the tower again.

Her eyes shifted from her phone to her bedroom door when she heard someone approaching her room.

" Come in! " Ryan called out, before she even heard a knock.

Rachel's head peaked out from behind the door, a chuckle escaping her lips. " I don't think I will ever get use to that. " She stated, moving through the doorway and plopping down on Ryan's bed.

Ryan pulled herself up into a sitting position, chuckling along with her. " Yeah, took me a while to get use to it as well. " Rachel nodded in understanding at her friend. " But.. What brings you to my humble abode? "

" I'm tired of studying. " Rachel groaned. " Seriously, I think I'm going to rip my hair out it I have to read another page of The Art of War. "

" I get it. " Ryan spoke. " Try reading it three times. "

" Three times? Why did you have to read it three times? "

" Well, Bruce said I needed to read it. Then Dick said I needed to read it again, and then Bruce said I needed to read it in Latin. "

" You can read Latin? "

" Yeah. " Ryan confirmed. " It's just as boring, and weirdly useful, as you think it would be. "

Ryan paused for a moment, hearing more footsteps approach her door. " Gar's coming. "

" Huh? " Rachel questioned. " How do you-? "

Rachel's words were cut off by the sight of Gar standing in Ryan's doorway.

" He has a very specific walking sound. " Ryan explained, as an amused look falling onto Rachel's face.

" Hey, Ryan. " He greeted, holding up a plate with a slice of pizza in his hand.  A disappointed look grew on his face once he noticed Rachel. " Oh, hi Rachel. I,  uh, didn't know you would be in here, so I only brought pizza for Ryan. "

A chuckle escaped Rachel before she pulled herself off of Ryan's bed. " It's fine, Gar. I gotta read another two chapters before tomorrow morning. " She groaned, pulling herself off Ryan's bed.

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