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The 'YOU' you know after all, is the 'YOU' they know before all.

You should celebrate not just who you've become but also who you could've become underneath all the layers, labels, and adversities you had to go through but you fought so hard not to.

You could've become a miserable and bitter person after all the things you went through. The outermost failure in life you were predisposed to becoming after you were left to safeguard yourself. The addict you would've decayed into had you sat in the traumas of not being supported, validated, abandoned, and deprived of genuine love, and the breakups you endured.

But above all, you managed to dig yourself out of those humbling experiences, and although the world may not see it, because they only see the finished product, you ought to congratulate yourself. Many think you're "naturally" kind or good-hearted by nature. They have no idea that you're only kind because you've experienced unkindness.

Some say you have the art of listening and you're compassionate but they don't know that you're that only because you've been alone, misunderstood, and abandoned. They say you show up for your loved ones but they don't know that's because you've been left alone ample times before. They say you're a genuine person and you keep to your word but they don't know you've been lied to.

Most of all, they give you credit and compliments about the good traits you possess but little do they know that you didn't inherit them from a nice background and upbringing, rather you developed them from the traumas you went through. You had been buried but instead, you determined to thrive.

No, you didn't just surrender and settle, you fought so hard and changed your fate. More than anything, please be thankful, not only for where you are today but for where you might have been if it was not for the energy and the redirection of the divine strength. 

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