010- Love Antidote

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The extra course selection was now opening for first years, so I decided to join the seduction studies class.

Why? Well, it's not very attractive for a fighter girl that can sound like a old man.

I walked to the classroom with my books clutched in my hand. I'm about to do this!!!

And before I knew it, I was already there at the door.

I opened it slowly to see many girls sitting down, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

Flora and her clown squad was also there, but I just ignored her and sat down beside a white haired girl.

"Hey! I'm Vox Kurai, what's your name?"

"Hello, I'm Morax Momonoki."

"Cooool name!" I laughed awkwardly, "Well... uh... What's your bloodline ability?"

"Master of all trades." She replied.

"Wow, what does it do?"

She started going on and on about how her bloodline ability worked, and I almost fell asleep.

She sighed, "To put it simply, I'm good at any type of magic."

I yawned out, "Cool! I can uh.. manipulative my voice to sound like others.. heh."

"Ah." Momonoki said blankly.

I laughed awkwardly again, "Well, what made you join this class?"

Momonoki suddenly blushed lightly, "I found out seduction magic is the only type of magic I cannot do."

"How'd you find out?"

Suddenly the door burst wide open, and a seductive demon walked in.

"Hello everyone! I'll be your seduction studies instructor, Raim! Muah!" She blew a little hand kiss at the girls

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"Hello everyone! I'll be your seduction studies instructor, Raim! Muah!" She blew a little hand kiss at the girls.

"This class is a secret class only reserved for girls.. and stuff... All girly stuff!"

"First of all," She started, "Sexiness is something you nurture~"
She walked around the room.
"Succubi change their appearance to fit the preferences of their prey,"
"But the most important thing to remember is.."

She suddenly turned serious, "to make your prey fall for you~"
"With these techniques..~" she mouthed out.

The girls blushed and squealed. Flora's head was steaming up, and I even blushed a little.. She's so coooooool....!!

"Now, we will be taking our first test.." She said.
"Sexy Scope!" Ms. Raim stared at one of the students at the front of the class, "Ah, 53%, you're a B~"

So she ran through everyone's sexiness, until she came to me.

"Ah! Oh my!" She gasped, "You're 29%!"

My mouth gaped as I felt my world's collide. 'NOOOOOO-' I screamed in my mind.

"You're gonna read all of these and practice on your own time baby-chan! It's a D for you!" Ms. Raim put down 2 textbooks infront of me.

She then turned to Momonoki. Of course, she won't get a higher mark than me... right?

"42%. That's a B for you."

I was about to faint of embarrassment.


I walked out the classroom, almost in tears. I got the lowest score in class, and the highest was of course, Flora. She got a 78%.. but WHATEVER! I'll get her next time!!!

"Hey," someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around to see that it was Momonoki.
"Can I get your contact information?"

"Oh uh, sure!" I said, typing in my phone number in her phone.

"Thanks, bye." She said, walking away.

I sighed, heading to the cafeteria to meet up with Kalego and Shichiro.

"Hey guys!" I forced a smile.

"Hey." Kalego said, softly chewing his food.

"Why do you look like you're about to cry?" Shichiro asked.

Kalego sighed, preparing for the worst.

I quickly sat down across from them and let my tears come out, "uuuu..."

"What is it?" Kalego asked.

"I got a 29% on my test today in class.... uuuuuuuunhh..."

"Huh? Which class?" Shichiro mumbled, secretly opening his mask to put food in his mouth.

"S-Seduction studies.." I hesitated.

"PFT-" Kalego laughed out.
"Ah, sorry.. pfft."


"What was it about?" Shichiro inquired, tilting his head.

"Raim sensei was measuring our... uh.... sexiness." I said awkwardly.

"Pft. Sounds reasonable." Kalego scoffed.

"Kalego!" Shichiro hushed.

"Shichiro..~" I called out, sighing.

He looked at me, startled.

"Am I not pretty enough....~" I mumbled.

His face turned tomato red, "I UH- UHHHHHH--"

"He thinks you're pretty, don't worry." Kalego said for Shichiro.

I pouted, "mmmmph."

Momonoki looked from afar. 'Has Naberius gotten more handsome, or what..~' She thought to herself, twirling her finger around her hair.

711 words

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