Chapter 9: The Evening with Cousins

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The evening of March 6th arrived, casting a warm glow across Rumaisa's modest home. She had spent the afternoon contemplating her plan to uncover the truth about Aariz's supposed interest. As evening approached, she found herself yearning for a change of scenery and some company.

Rumaisa decided to reach out to her cousin, Ayesha, whom she had met just a couple of days ago. Ayesha lived in a large, elegant house not far from Rumaisa's home. She was one year older than Rumaisa and came from a wealthy, prestigious family. Ayesha had an elder brother, Azaan, who was 19 years old, and a younger brother, aged 10. They were known in their community for their wealth and sometimes for their pride.

Rumaisa's father, Mr. Akram Khan, was initially hesitant about Rumaisa's request to visit Ayesha's home, expressing his concern about the late hour. However, after some convincing, he relented upon seeing Rumaisa's loneliness and boredom.

"I'm bored of being alone, Abbu," Rumaisa said, pouting playfully. "Please, just for a little while?"

Mr. Akram Khan sighed, unable to resist his daughter's pleading eyes. "Alright, but make sure you come home before it gets too late."

Rumaisa's face brightened with gratitude, and she hurried to fetch the phone from her father. She dialed Ayesha's home number, and after a brief conversation with her mother, Mrs. Saba Khan, handed the phone to Mr. Akram Khan.

Mr. Akram Khan spoke briefly with Ayesha's mother, Mrs. Samina, assuring her that Rumaisa would be there promptly by 5 pm. After hanging up, Mr. Akram Khan gave a reluctant nod to Rumaisa.

"Alright, go ahead, but don't stay out too late," he said, handing her the phone.

Rumaisa beamed and thanked her father before dashing upstairs to get ready. She chose to wear a red-colored frock with pant pajama and a chiffon dupatta set gracefully on her head. Her dark brown eyes sparkled with excitement, and her golden brown hair was neatly tied back into a braid. She stood at a medium height of 5 feet 2 inches, her white skin glowing in the soft evening light. She wore minimal jewelry, deciding to keep things simple.

Promptly at 5 pm, Rumaisa set off for Ayesha's house, her heart racing with excitement. She arrived at Ayesha's impressive home, where she was greeted by Ayesha at the door.

"As-Salamu alaikum badi Ammi ," Rumaisa greeted Ayesha's mother with a warm smile.

"Walekum As-Salam, beta. It's so nice to see you," Mrs. Samina replied warmly, ushering Rumaisa inside.

Rumaisa smiled back, feeling welcomed.

They entered the house, and Rumaisa was immediately struck by the grandeur of the interior. The house was beautifully furnished with luxurious décor, reflecting Ayesha's family's wealth and status in the community. She truly liked her house decoration.

"As-salamu alaykum, appi"

"Walekum assalam, I'm so glad you're here," Ayesha said, leading Rumaisa into the spacious living room. "Let's catch up. Come, sit down."

Rumaisa settled onto the plush sofa, feeling at ease in Ayesha's home. They chatted animatedly, sharing stories of their recent days and giggling over funny incidents at school.

Ayesha's elder brother, Azaan, entered the room, carrying a tray of ice cream. He was tall and imposing, with a serious demeanor that matched his role as the eldest son of the family.

"As-salamu Alaykum, bhai"

Azaan greeted Rumaisa with a polite nod before setting the tray down on the coffee table.

"I brought some ice cream for you both," Azaan said with a smile, handing them each a bowl.

Rumaisa accepted the ice cream with gratitude. "Thank you, Azaan bhai."

They enjoyed the ice cream together, chatting and laughing until it was time for Rumaisa to leave. As she prepared to depart, Azaan offered to walk her home.

"Thank you, Azaan bhai, but it's okay. I can walk home," Rumaisa declined politely.

Azaan nodded understandingly. "Alright then. Take care, and say my Salam to Uncle and Choti Ammi."

"I will, thank you, Azaan bhai," Rumaisa replied gratefully, stepping out of the house.

Before leaving, Rumaisa remembered the chocolates she had brought along. "Oh, Ayesha, I almost forgot! Here, this is for you and your younger brother." She handed Ayesha a Dairy Milk chocolate bar.

Ayesha smiled warmly. "Thank you, Rumy. That's sweet of you."

Azaan, who was listening, chuckled. "What about me? Don't I get one?"

Rumaisa grinned mischievously. "But you're older, Azaan bhai. You don't need chocolate."

Azaan laughed, a twinkle in his eye. "Only 19, not 91. I can still eat chocolate."

"Alright, I'll remember that for next time. Two chocolates for you," Rumaisa teased.

Ayesha and her brothers chuckled, bidding Rumaisa goodbye as she made her way home.
The evening had been pleasant, and Rumaisa felt a sense of warmth and belonging in Ayesha's company.

As she entered her home, her father greeted her with a warm smile. "Did you have a good time, Rumaisa?"

"Yes, Abbu," she replied happily.

Mr. Akram Khan nodded. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Now, it's time for dinner. Wash up and come to the dining table."

Rumaisa nodded and headed to wash up, her mind still buzzing with thoughts about Aariz and her plan to uncover the truth. She couldn't wait to share her day's adventures with her mother over dinner.

~ Tasneem

(As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, dosto)
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