Part 4 - Troll Trama

Start from the beginning

Everyone starts to pick up their wands and have a go at trying the spell. I know for a fact though Hermione can already do it because I watched her practice. Out of the corner of my eye I see something moving up and down dangerously fast. I have a look to see it's Ron. I honestly felt like my life was in danger. Someone please do something restraining him. He's to dangerous. (Jk). I watched as Hermione shows Ron the proper way to do it. And somehow Seamus blew up his feather.

Break time:

Me and Hermione were reading the ancient reins and inscriptions book unknowingly behind Ron, Harry, Dean and Seamus.

"It's leviOsa. Not leviosaR. She's a nightmare honestly. No wonder she doesn't have any friends." Ron said as Hermione closed the book abruptly and quickly sped up. She slightly barged into Ron with her head down and began to walk towards the girls bathroom. I immediately started running after her making sure to roughly barge Ron as I went past and then I started running after Hermione.

After running for 20 minuets, I found her in the girls bathroom. She was crying. I knocked on the stall door hoping that Hermione would answer me but nothing but sniffles were heard.

"Hermione don't listen to them. Their just a bunch of boys. Their stupid and idiotic." I said trying to make her laugh. "Is it ok if I come in." All that was heard was a hummed yes. So me and Hermione spent the next few hours in the bathroom reading and laughing.

All of a sudden the door to the girls bathroom opened and then shut again. It must have been a student because no teachers ever come in here.

"Let's go before we miss the entire dinner." I whisper trying not to annoy whoever was in the bathroom with us. I unlock the door and me and Hermione walk out and towards the door. Hermione stops dead in her tracks and slowly looks up. I do the same and what was stood in front of us was a one in a million chance. A troll had managed to make its way to the girls bathroom. We slowly start to back up away from the Troll. It starts to walk further into the bathroom dragging it's wooden club behind it. It picks it's club up aiming it at us. We quickly make our way into a stall. The next thing we know is the club destroying all the stall. I hear Hermione scream but I get hit in the head because I wasn't fast enough so I was knocked out. I have no idea what happened next but all I can remember is 3 voices yelling and then nothing.

Harry's POV:

When we were all being rushed to our common rooms I realised that Yn and Hermione don't know that the troll is loose in the castle. I rushed towards Ron who was ahead of me talking to Fred and George. I told him about Yn and Hermione not know about the troll and we both started running towards the girls bathroom.

When we were stood at the top of the corridor opposite the bathroom we saw the troll enter. I immediately started to panic about Yn and if she was okay. With the endless images of what could be happening to both of them me and Ron made our way towards the girls as quickly as we could. When we got to the door we hear a scream and the sound of wood breaking and crashing. I immediately started worrying about what was happening and weather Yn was okay. And Hermione of course. Not just Yn. It's not like I'm in love with her or something.

Me and Ron make our way to find the troll swinging a giant club around and Hermione on the floor trying to protect a body. I immediately recognise the y/h/c hair. It was Yn.

" Hermione move!" I yelled. Me and Ron started throwing debris at the Troll to get its attention. We keep throwing whatever we could grab.

" Hey pee brain." Ron yelled at the troll. Unfortunately the troll turned his head to it and got wacked in the middle of it's forehead. The troll was distracted enough for Hermione to crawl to the sinks. Unfortunately the troll noticed and started swinging his club again. The troll smashed the sink and missed Hermione by a few inches. I withdrew my wand but I had no idea what I was going to do. I started running and I grabbed the end of the club with no idea what I was doing. I was now sat on the trolls shoulders being shook left and right. I ended up shoving my wand up the troll's nose. The troll kept trying to sneeze it out. I held on to the trolls ears for dear life as it began to shake again. As Taylor Swift would say Shake It Off.

Written in the stars (Harry Potter x Yn Diggory)Where stories live. Discover now