Chapter 01: Nineteen

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One winter evening, Sunghoon walks back home after his school, dragging his cycle with him. He stops in the side putting the kickstand down when he see someone picking up the tangerines, scattered all over the path.

He then puts his bag near his cycle as he awkwardly crouch down to pick up the tangerines, helping the boy infront of him. He steals little glances of the boy who was wearing same school uniform as him.

He then walks closer, rolling the tangerines towards the boy's direction who finally looks at him. He continues rolling the tangerines without saying a word and the boy keeps the tangerines in his bag, glancing at Sunghoon.

The boy stops in his track and stares at the sky while Sunghoon stares at the boy.

 The tiny figure infront of him closes his eyes, feeling the first snow of that year. And Sunghoon, he is still staring at the boy, in the same position.

And that was Sunghoon's love at first sight with his first love, Shim Jake who was full of love and warmness in that cold freezing weather.

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