street race season 2022 start

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all the F1 drivers had made it to Monaco and everyone was happy. "just thought y/n where are u staying." "I have a house here." "U DO." "yes I do I wanted to have a house here because of the beautiful scenery."

"wow now this means all of us officially live here then." y/n laughs at everyone and smiles. "well I gotta go I have a race tonight." "what do u mean u have a race tonight."

"its the street race and its tonight u guys are invited if u want to join." "hell yes I want to join I love seeing u race its fun." everyone laughed at the girls since they all said it at the same time.

"well then we are all going." y/n laugh's "well there is a few hours before we need to be there so when the time comes I will send u all my address to meet there. everyone nods. and everyone got into their own car's and drove from the airport to their house.

y/n over took everyone and laugh's as she sees them trying to keep up with her. y/n arrives at where her house is located and parks the car in the garage that was there and then makes her way in the building.

what no one knew was that they all live in the same building. y/n had just gotten into the elevator as everyone walked in. "wait what's going on." Lando and Charles laugh at the other's

"we all live in the same building well this is going to be fun. everyone got into the elevator and pressed the floor button. "please don't tell me we all live on the same floor as well." "by the looks of things yes."

everyone got out of the elevator once they got to the floor they needed and started walking in the same direction to their apartment. everyone seen y/n by her door and was confused. "what are u doing here."

"this is my place what are u guys doing here." "we all live here." y/n laugh's "well then that is unexpected." y/n picks up her mail and then walks in to her house leaving the door open she was in the living room when she shouted. "ARE U GUYS COMING IN OR WHAT."

everyone looked at each other. "WE ARE GOING TO PUT OUR STUFF IN OUR PALCE'S FIRST THEN COME BACK." "OK SEE YA IN A MOMENT." everyone grabbed their keys and walked to their house. everyone was litterly next door to each other and laughed.

"this is going to be fun." everyone went into their house and placed their suitcases in the house and then locked their own house door and made their way over to y/n house. everyone walked in and seen how many stuff y/n had in house. "wow so many trophies."

"they are all from the races I've done over the years, make ur selfs at home I got us snacks and drinks. "she is latterly amazing I want to be with her." everyone laughed at Charles, "oi did u forget u got a girlfriend already."

"lol I was joking." "but Charles isn't wrong though who doesn't want to be with someone like y/n even though her Identity is hidden from the public." y/n walks into the living room where everyone was sat.

"Im already taken." "wait what when where." "Im taken, 3 years ago we started dating and we were in the street race together." "who is he." "guess who." "speaking of the devil. baby ur home." S.coups walks into the living room with the rest of the team.

y/n runs to coups and jumps into his arms and smiles. "uh y/n who are they." "right yea my bad." y/n gets out of coups arms and stands right. "seventeen meet the F1 crew, F1 crew meet seventeen." everyone was more confused and y/n laughed.

"guys these are the street crew members who are going to be at the race tonight." "oh makes sence now." "guys find a place to sit ill get us more snacks and drinks." seventeen members nod and found a place to sit down and waited for y/n to come back.

they spent hours talking and laughing and y/n looks at the clock, "street racing time lets go this is going to be fun." everyone nodded and left y/n's house and their way outside and seen the fences were already put up.

"u pass through here?" "yea its always been like that." "who is going to be my co driver again." "I will." everyone looks at Kelly and looks at y/n. "are u serious." "yes I am I want a chance to experience what its like to feel the adrenalin."

"ok ur lucky I have a spare suit u can borrow." Kelly nods and y/n runs back into the building to her place to get the race suit. once y/n comes back y/n hands Kelly the gear and she goes into the building to the bathroom to change into the clothes. "ok im ready." y/n looks at Kelly and smiles.

"looking good Kelly." "did I put it on right it feels odd." "its ment to be like that plus its ur first time wearing one so its going to feel odd, ok we need to go." Kelly follow's y/n to her car and got in. "listen to what y/n say's please I don't want u to be injured." "Max chill I know what to do." "Im just saying."

"don't worry she will make it back in once piece." "u both come back in one piece not just one." y/n and Kelly laugh at max and then y/n drives off to the starting line. "Max u need to chill we are talking about y/n here is the best driver out there no one will dare to cross her after what happened last time.

the light's turn green and y/n was off and everyone was cheering for y/n. 3 laps later the race was done and y/n won again. y/n and Kelly were jumping up and down and screaming. "AHHH that was soo cool." "I know right would u join me again."

"yes because its cool to be in a car with you." after screaming y/n and Kelly went to the stand and got the trophy and champagne bottle and y/n hits the bottle on the floor and starts throwing the champagne at Kelly then the fans. the others were watching on the screen that was on the building.

"I love how she celebrates because Lando does that." "that's why I do it because I loved how she done it so I started doing it." "at least the both of them are alive because y/n was in hospital last time because of some stupid idiot thinking he was the big person, lucky for us though he was kicked out."

"wait y/n was injured is this why she missed out on 2 tracks of last years season." "yep that's why she wasn't there." "we are lucky." after a while y/n and Kelly came to the other's smiling." "best night ever." "you can say that again." everyone was laughing at the both of them. "let's go back inside we can watch movies since we have a 4 week brake.

The unknown Driver completedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя