chapter 11.. Father

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Alicent and monda were planning secretly to kill visarys..they agreed to kill him..but alicent wanted to put aegon on the throne..but monda wanted her twin to rule..

Monda was on her 7th moon during pregnancy..
She didn't care too much about her pregnancy.. because she didn't want that baby..

She was drinking tea with her mother at alicent's room.."I told larys about our plan.." said alicent..Monda knew that larys and alicent were close.."oh..what did he say.." said monda.."he agreed.." said alicent..

"Mother look..we agreed about our plan..and we are going to do it..but we will crown aemond..not aegon.. aemond knows more.." said Monda.."Monda why you can understand..he is the second son.." said alicent.

"But can you tell me how you would face rahnerya..or aegon can face her...tell me.." said monda .. Alicent didn't answer.. aemond came to them and sat next to his twin.." your father talked to me last night..he wishes to marry you to healena.." said alicent..

Monda looked with annoyed look but she didn't say a word.."that will be good.. healena need a protecter.." said aemond..monda looked at him..then she lift her face up.." she's lucky..she will be the future queen.." said monda with a jealous voice..

Aemond smirked "what about aegon.." said aemond.."that cunt.." said monda..but she smiled a little.."where is he..." Said monda.."at his room..I think he is reading a book..he trying to impress you.." said aemond while rolling his eyes..

Monda stood and went to her room.." I heard that you are trying to impress reading a book" said monda..aegon smiled and wrapped his arm softly around her..he put his head on her belly.."I love you" said aegon.."I love you too" said monda..she played softly with his white hair..

"Why are you alone.." said monda.."because no one invited me.." said aegon..Monda hugged him tightly" are always invited.." said Monda...aegon kissed her softly

At night larys came with the poison..he grabbed it to kill visarys.. because the queen and the little princess wished for that..

The plan was supposed that monda took the poison to the kitchen and poisoned the king's dish..the plan was working well until prince daemon came..he visited them suddenly..

"Shit.." said monda with anger..they cancelled the plan.. because if the king died.. daemon will send to the true heir..but they didn't want that..

"Shit.." said monda with a mad tone..she went to her mother..Monda looked at larys "you should about that.." said monda madly to larys.."princess we didn't know.. it's a sudden visit..he sent no letters.." said larys..

Monda put the poison back to larys..she went to her room.." aegon..where are you" said monda.."I'm here.." he said...she went and kissed him so aggressive kiss..aegon liked it and he returned it..

"What was that for.." said aegon.."I'm so angry now" said monda.."because of our uncle's visit.." said aegon..Monda nodded

They went at the dinner table..Monda was ignoring everyone..just was thinking about her plan..then she looked at her father..she felt little pity on him...she was saying in her mind ' he is an old or two he will die...he didn't do a thing to die like that..he deserves little pity"

She finished her food and went to her room..she rested for a while with aegon..

It was a quick visit... daemon left at late night..Monda entered visarys's room.."father
." Said Monda.."who.." said visarys.."it's me...your daughter " said monda.." only child " said visarys....monda looked at him with little mad.." I'm glad to see you here..I Missed you so's good that you are here..I think it's the end of should follow the iron throne" said visarys..

Monda was listening to him..she was mad by calling nerya his only child but she was thinking if she was nerya..she imagined her self as nerya..the favorite child to that father.."why you chose me..not anyone of the others" said monda..

"Because I don't love them as much as I love you dear child..I just married alicent to be another wife..but I have never loved her..or anyone of the others.." said visarys..

Monda's eyes tore a little "but they are also your children..your blood" said monda.."I know..but they all are bad.. maybe I was a bad father to them..but I will never be with you rahnerya..aegon is just a drunk foolish boy..he is not my true blood..I hated aemond when he attacked your sons and insulted them..and monda..the most selfish one..she is like her mother.. selfish and a black soul...I married her to aegon not to aemond.. because I knew she loved aemond..I wanted to punish her.." said visarys..

Monda couldn't hold more..she grabbed his chin roughly with all power.."you don't give a shit about just married a young girl like your brought 5 children from her and you are not responsible for them...I'm being selfish because of you.. aemond lost an eye and you didn't say a word about it..he was just a child..and your older son that you have never cared about are a bad father..we hate you because of your have never felt pity on us or loved always ignored us.." said monda with tears..she was crying from her deep heart..she was really broke and really sad..she opened visarys's mouth roughly and she put the poison in it..

Visarys tried to scream but he couldn't..she looked at him with disguste and sad..she left the room with tears and broken heart..

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