The cold hearted murder- Chapter 10

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" I was ordered by Maharaj Suryaveer to poison Prince Dakshraj of Prathaangarh."

With this statement the world around Damini stood still. All her memories with her beloved brother, who was her only support when the whole Prathaangarh was against to train her as a warrior when girls were trained for household chores, her Guru flooded back in a second. He was her companion who stood next to her no matter what. Her Dhaad Bhai such a handsome prince who has all the eyes of the girls even princesses. The sudden reminder of his loss brought nostalgia. The nostalgia also reminded her of the way she lost her brother.

The way Maharaj Suryaveer Rajan killed her brother. The way Damodar poisoned her mentor. Her thoughts lead back to present which she was confused by his words. The eyes that once looked at the man with respect now lost all respect for the same person and holds anger. Without wasting any second she bolted towards him in anger to hold the collar of his overcoat ro which Damodar stumbled back.

"What do you mean? You poisoned him?.."
She growled at him to which Damodar panicked. He has never seen Damini as a vigorous person. The girl, Province head Damini was a sweet yet shrewd political lady not a vexed person.

This side of Damini scared him. Her eyes radiated anger which looked directly in eyes of Damodar who has fear in them. Her eyes then moved here and there as if she was contemplating. Suddenly she removed hee hands of Damodar and started pacing around.

"No... No.. Dhaad bhai was dead already... He died in my arms... on the day of war. " Muttering to herself she trotted in the same place reminding herself that Prince Daksh Raj was already dead. Her agony and mind that is not ready to accept that Damodar killed her brother reached its peak that resulted in knocking down of things in the room.

"You can't poison him!!"

All her emotions fuelled out from her yell that had power to startle the palace. Thanks to the location of the quarters room that she was not heard. Calming down she braced herself and started at Damodar who shifted uncomfortably to his side knowing that it was time to break the truth.

"Prince Daksh Raj didn't die at battlefield. After you were captured, Maharaj Suryaveer released him after treaty was signed and he was taken back to Prathaangarh where he was fighting for life.Then I was stationed for security of Prince Daksh Raj due or lack of manpower. It was a right time for Maharaj Suryaveer and he gave me order to..." Damini glared at him as he stopped his explanation.

Unable to find correct words Damodar took a deep breath to say further.

"To eliminate heir of Prathaangarh."
These five words made Damini glare at Damodar. If looks could kill he would be 25 feet deep under the ground of Rajangarh.

"And I gave him a quick and peaceful death." Finishing his speech he sighed as if a load of burden was off his shoulders. The calm facade Damini was carrying broke as she took a few steps taking a close view of his face then moved near the table taking its support she scoffed with a wicked smile.

" How ironic of you to say of a peaceful death when you have betrayed a Royal and murdered a Prince!" She shouted while the table thrashed to the ground but that didn't startle Damodar.

"How have you become so blatant that you dared to ruin the heir of Prathaangarh!"

"I hate to accept but, I had swore my allegiance to Maharaj Suryaveer Rajan in honour of saving my family. I had no option but be heartless and become a spy." He vowed his words which felt truthful for Damini. She sensed a quite sympathy and dutifulness for Damodar who she has seen working at her homeplace. For a minute she realised the irony of losing an sincere officer who had turned out to be a betrayer.

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