Destination Unknown - Natasha

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Tasha, Rootbeer and I were on a plane. Natasha refused to tell me where we were going, but she knew I adored surprises. Rootbeer was peacefully asleep on my lap, so was Natasha but she was leaning against my shoulder from her seat. We'd been flying for 5 hours which felt like forever. I didn't know how she always fell asleep in the middle of the flights, sounds unbelievable, I know!

She woke up along with the dog on my lap the moment we landed, it's like her timer went off. I laughed, stroking Rootbeer and smiling at my girlfriend.
"Sleep well?"
"Pretty good, considering I couldn't sleep in our bed."
"Oh Nat,"
"What ? It's the truth. Besides you had the dog all to yourself, I hope you enjoyed it"
"I certainly did"
I placed a kiss on her lips. She took a hold of my cheeks and didn't pull away from the kiss.
"Tasha we gotta exit the-"
"not now sweetheart"
She wasn't bothered by the fact people were leaving the aircraft. In fact, she was happy. No one was here to stare into our souls while making out or anything. I, on the other hand was kind of anxious. I didn't even know why exactly, but I felt nervous...
"Ladies, I'm sure there's plenty of other places to make love at" one of the pilots exited the cockpit and laughed at us.
"Right, let's go-" Natasha spoke, getting up.
She'd already left the plane. Rootbeer barked quietly, looking up at me.
"Yes we'll go after her, wait"

Less than 10 minutes later I'd found my lover on the other side of the airport, smoking and yelling at somebody on the phone. I forgot how bad I'd wanted to know the destination we were heading to. Now that we'd arrived, I didn't even bother to look at the signs which led us out of the airport to taxis, city center and fast food places. I waited until she was done with the call, she seemed extremely pissed. I noticed how many cigarettes she'd smoked already when she burnt out yet another one and then stepped on it. There seemed to be 4 of them at least.
"Fucker." she said, ending the call and eventually smiling at me. It was so sarcastic though.
"Darling, who was that?"
"one of those useless men who works with me"
"which one?"
She chuckled as I asked that. I sensed she was tired, all I wanted at this moment was to get her to bed so she could rest. The curiosity hit me at last so I looked around. Thank god I spoke french, otherwise it would have been difficult to understand everything the signs were saying.
"France I see, hm?"
"oh, yes... Surprise!!"
I smiled, so did she, and Rootbeer, I suppose. I placed another kiss on her cheek and took her suitcase, walking outside to the taxis. She took care of taking the dog to the car along with us and sat in as soon as we found one spare taxi. We drove past all the famous attractions of Paris, tomorrow was gonna be tiring but exciting.

As soon as we made it to the hotel and got into our suite, I took Tasha's coat from her and hung it up. Rootbeer went sort of crazy and started running around the place. I opened a window in the bedroom which seemed so huge and breathed in fresh air, looking over Paris. Natasha entered the bedroom, wearing just her bra and underwear. I smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"are you tired, baby?"
"I suppose I am"
She said, which followed a long yawn.
"I'll let you sleep," I whispered, kissing her head afterwards.
"I'll be just around the corner if you need me"
"thank you"
She smiled and climbed to bed. As I was leaving the room, she called my name, telling me to leave the door just a bit open. I did as she asked and walked to the living room area, sitting on the couch. Rootbeer had calmed down and finally left alone a rug that seemed to get on her way.
"Come here baby" I told her and she ran to me like there was no tomorrow. She licked my face and I could feel her tail moving from one side to another in a fast speed.
That's the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep. I didn't even know at what time that had happened, but my face felt still wet from Rootbeer's kisses when I woke up. I heard Natasha singing, that meant only one thing:
she was showering. She sings in the shower as if she was Lady Gaga. She could do just fine as a singer, imagine her touring around the world. I walked into the bathroom, I knew she'd leave the door unlocked.
"Ah satan"
"Good morning honey" I hugged her tiny body that was wrapped into a towel.
She kissed my cheeks and didn't pull away from the hug. I felt so safe in her arms and I'm sure she felt the same.


L publishing smth not even after 2 months, what??
Y'all are lucky I'm on a bus which takes 2 hours so obviously I am BORED.
Enjoy this one-shot and lmk if this should have a pt.2!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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