First practice

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Some may say soccer, just a sport? But my certain bet is that person doesn't have their future scholarships riding on how they play. I gulp and attempt to locate our coach but fail.

"Wanna piece of gum?" Kacie asks, popping up beside me, with a huge grin, but what's new? I swear she's like whack a mole, or like a three headed dragon that grows three more heads once you cut one off. All this, of course, is felt with pure love.

"Because whenever I'm nervous," she continues, "having something in my mouth can really help ease my..."

"Just hand it to me please," I say to shut her up, I'm nervous enough.

"Baby say no more." she shimmies her shoulders at me and hands me a stick. I pop the gum in my mouth and artificial tropical flavoring explodes through my being.  

I look at Kacie with adoration, I know I need to work on my patience, I always feel icky after being rude to her. I think sometimes I may take her for granted. I reach for her hand and squeeze it gently. "I love you Kace,"

"I know you do." She squeezes back and winks. I shake my head and chuckle, I'm gonna miss her so much at college next year.

I spot someone waving the team over. Kace and I follow all the girls gravitating towards the unidentified person. The sky was clear when we got out of class but now it's chilly. I shiver and fish my warmup out of my bag. As I shrug it on this young looking male starts talking.

"My name is Lucas Montoya, but you will call me Luke." He can't be the coach can he? "I will be your coach this season." he announces, scanning our faces over his clipboard and giving me my answer. The first thing I notice is his Spanish accent with a hint of something else mixed in. I wonder what. The second being that he looks too young to be a coach.

His eyes run over us briefly and stop on me. They narrow, almost, dare I say, rudely?

"Are you chewing gum?" he asks, with attitude. Attitude!

"Yea I'm sorr-" I try to say but he interrupts my apology.

"First practice," he says "let's chew our gum loudly while our coach talks." he mocks

"Well I'm sorry, I was gonn-" I start again, telling myself he's my coach and I shouldn't talk back.

"Well that's brilliantly dumb" he scoffs.

"Thanks, kay? Will you give me a minute??" I say, not kindly, my limit broken "I said I'm sorry" I bite back, not feeling very sorry "and furthermore;" I go on "I am brilliantly dumb so it's whithin my character" I smile sweetly. I can feel Kacie tense beside me and I realize my body mirrors hers.

"This is varsity, not some chick movie from the 90s." He snaps. A few girls snicker. I look around and notice everyone is staring. Way to make a first impression I chide myself.

"What's your name?" He barks, narrowing his eyes a second time at me.

"Delilah- but I don't see how-"

"Well Delilah I suggest you mosey to that can and spit. it. out."

I move to swallow the gum, not about to listen to this person who has quite the attitude, but it gets lodged in my throat and before I know it I can't breathe. I'm choking. Actually choking. As in no air going in no air going out. Kacie turns to me, eyes bulging.

I try to cough it up, even to scream, but I can't. I claw at my throat desperately. Everyone seems to be staring but no one's doing anything. Stars dance in my vision and I feel like I'm going to pass out when I hear Kacie screaming. A moment later someone is behind me, sturdy arms around my middle, and strong hands clenched. Before I know it it is these strong hands punch into my chest. Punch again as the stars intensify and my head is feeling lighter and lighter. Punch a third time.

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