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For my second lesson, I had packed my bag the night before, put an anti-nausea pill and mints.

This time, I wanted to stay in class without anything happening to me, at least if I passed the written exam, maybe I would pass the class too.

When our lesson came at the end on the classroom, I walked to the court, went inside and sat in the audience seats. My last two lessons were swimming.

Zee came to the field from the teacher's office, again wearing a t-shirt and swimming shorts, his hair was not looking damp, I guess he hadn't been in the pool yet.

"Welcome to the pool, all of you! In our first lesson today, let's talk about the history and development of swimming, of course, I need to increase your cultural knowledge..."

The lessons were more conversational, some of the students in the class shared what they knew with us. The atmosphere was nice, I didn't feel sick because I think I was psychologically comfortable because of coming prepared.

After the first lesson passed like this, we entered the second lesson, this time the teacher told everyone to change for swimming, except me...

Zee teacher divided the class into two, those who can swim and those who do not. The trainee swimming instructor will train those who do not know, on the shallow side of the pool, and he will develop, give tactics etc. to improve those who know how to swim.

At the beginning of the second lesson, some were already in the water, some were sitting by the water waiting for the teacher to come, the novices on the other side were already doing something.

At that moment, Zee teacher came out of his office topless, and the moment he entered the field with his swimming shorts, with a muscular body, the classmates shouted, "Woaaah!!"

I also wanted to shout, because like... He was really attractive.

Students applauded, teacher Zee laughed shyly at this reaction and walked past me to the pool, trying to turn my gaze away so it wouldn't be obvious that I was staring at him, but it didn't seem to work.

While he was explaining something to the students, they all went into the water and the teacher started to show some movements with his arms, sometimes he was correcting the movements of the students, sometimes he was directing them by touching them, for some reason I was a little upset about this situation.

As a result, although I took this course, I could not swim and naturally my communication with the teacher was limited.

I had not taken my eyes off the Zee during almost the entire lesson and watched his movements.

He gave a very different feeling, besides being very handsome and muscular, his demeanor was very cute.

Normally he looked very tough, but he wasn't like that inside.


Almost a few days later, Nat and I were sitting in the canteen while chatting at noon, and when I didn't expect it, Nat changed the subject. "Bro, I think you should attend swimming lesson, so maybe you'll get over that fear."

I studied his face skeptically, normally we wouldn't talk about it at all, he knew I had a phobia but he had never normally said anything like that to me. "Where did this come from dude?"

"I don't know, also the teacher seems like a good person, maybe he'll make you love swimming..."

Something was wrong, Nat's movements seemed unusual.

"Did someone say something to you? You sound weird."

Nat averted his eyes. "No. Who's going to say that..."

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