Storys and such!

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A/N: so it's gonna only be how they became/realized what they are and then story time! And there will be a 'dirty minded jokes' count at the end because me.

Age: 9 turned 10

Confusion: 9/10

Story; Dan: I was walking around the large house that we lived in. I don't know why we lived there because every room, hall, door, and everything was just connected and people walked around all the time.

My dad seemed to be the most important person and same with my mum. My family (My dad, mum, twin sister Lizzie, a d myself) was treated like royalty.

It was a full moon tonight. All the kids have to stay inside that night. My best friend P.J, and we were arguing.

"Come on, Dan!" Begged P.J.

"No! If my parents find out They'll kill me! And, I don't want Lizzie to spend our 10th birthday by her self!" I argued back.

"Come on, dude! It's my 10th birthday too!" He complained.

"Well, Peej I-" I started before I felt a weird 'pop' from my arm. Then on my leg.

"Argh!" I growled.

"What's wr-" started P.J before he got the same pain in his arms.

"D-Dan! I-It hurts!" Pledged Lizzie coming in to the room.

"Argh!" I growled again and rushed outside, Lizzie and Peej following. The cracking and pooping sound were continuing until something happened.

I had clearer vision. I also felt smaller. I looked around to look for Lizzie and P.J.

Instead there were two brown puppie wolfs.

"Ahh!" We all yelled and backed up.

"Lizzie? Dan?" Asked P.J.

"P.J? Dan?" Asked Lizzie.

"Lizzie? P.J?" I asked. We had all gotten closer and started playfully pawing at each other.


(A/N:I searched what P.J stands for so I use Patrick James. LOL)

"O-over here." yelled Lizzie. A few seconds later a black fur wolf came through the bushes.

"Alfa! Lily! Robert! It's happened!" She yelled. Two brown and one red furred wolf came through the bushes as well.

"They grow up so fast! Happy birthday sons, daughter." said My dad.

We all celebrated but, Lizzie seemed a little puzzled.

When we turned back to human version we were sent to bed. I happened to have my room next to Lizzie's so I went into her room to ask her what was wrong.

"Lizzie, what's wrong?" I asked and sat next to her.

"I'm not scared that were werewolves. I'm confused what dad said. He said sons. He's never called P.J son before!" She almost yelled.

We rushed to my parent room and knocked on the door frantically.

"Hello?" Said my dad and opened the door.

"You called P.J son." we said at the same time.

"Patrick James come here!" Yelled my dad. P.J came in a rush.

"Y-Yes alfa?" He asked.

"We have stuff to explained." said my mum motioning for us to come in. Once we were all in they told us.

P.J was are brother. It changed nothing we all just went back to normal life. For a while.


Age: 18

Confusion: 9/10

Story; Phil: It didn't hurt after a while. Some man had come and bit my sister and I but it didn't hurt for a long time.

"Come on, Phil! It's just a party! So put on your costume and then we'll leave. You won't even have to put on the fake fangs. Our teeth became shape enough." she said. I finally gave in and we left to her stupid party. We were twins but, don't mind that. We walked to the party until midnight something changed.

I was hungry. For human blood.

I looked around for my sister (Kitty) and when we found each other she was having the same problem.

"What's wrong?" Asked one of Kitty's friends.

We lead her deep into the woods and drank her blood.

We ran back to our apartment covered in blood.

We were so fast no one noticed us. We drank animal blood for the last about 100-180 years I think.

I found a really nice boy one day. We started dating. His name was Chris. He looked like he was aging and I wasn't.

"Why do you look so young, Phil?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Come on! We met when we were 18 and were 22 now. You haven't aged at all and I have!" He complained.

"You know." I said finally.

"You know, your type have mates." said Chris.

"D-Do you think your my mate?" I asked him.

"Maybe." he said.

"C-Can I turn you? It would keep you from aging and you would look 18 again." I said.

"If you want." he said. That's exactly what I did. Chris never ended up being my mate but, we remained best friends. Kitty hasn't found her mate and nether have Chris and I.

We adopted Chris as our brother and that's how we lived. When we start looking for our mates more, a whole other type of 'myth' comes with ours...


A/N: dirty minded jokes; 2

How we found each other... But there's a catch (Phan A/U)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant