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Sonic POV

I did feel bad leaving Shadow back there but he shouldn't have done that, now Tails is probably angry not me but his right to, I always do things wrong. Then I stopped and thought, Tails did things that made me angry like getting my "father" here. But I just have to deal with it no matter what because he is my best friend... even though people would say that's not a best friend or even a friend. I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts as I finally get to the house I live at but when I walked in I couldn't hear anything so I yelled and went into the house.

"Hello.... Tails?"

I walked into the living room to see my... My.. My father was sitting on the couch reading a book then he looked at me and said.

"He's not here, he's out looking for you,"he smiled at me "So did you have fun running away?"

I didn't say anything, I just looked away.

"ANSWER ME!"He yells as that made me jump a little

"I... d-did"I stuttered as I rub my hand together

He nodded as he put the book down "Alright that's good," he says as he stands up when starts to walk up to me.

I couldn't move or say anything and when he was standing right in front of me then bent down so we were face to face I couldn't say anything, move, or even look at him. I started to shake this must have pissed him off because he grabbed me by the arms and said angrily.

"Stop shaking,"

I tried to stop but I couldn't, his grip on my arms got tighter.

"I Said Stop Shaking Dammit" He said through his clenched teeth.

I almost started to tear up until Tails and the others walked through the door, my father let me go and stood up.

"Look how come back,"He said with a smile

They looked at us and Amy ran to me and hugged me.

"Oh Sonikku you alright?"Amy asked

"Yes Amy I'm fine,"I said with a small fake smile

Amy let me go as she looked at me with a smile, Tails looked at me and said nothing it made me feel bad but not for long because Cream came up to me with Vanilla behind her.

"Mr.Sonic!,"Cream called out as she fastly walked up to me.

"Cream,"I said as my smile changed

"I want to ask you something," Cream said

"Oh really? And what is that?"I asked as I knelt down.

Cream waved her hand for me to come closer so I did as she put her hands around my ear as she started to whisper.

"Did you and Shadow have fun?" She asked

My face turned a light red and sighed quietly then nodded. She smiled big then Vanilla came up behind Cream with Cheese.

"I'm glad you're alright,"She said with a warm motherly smile "Now Cream, Cheese and I should be leaving,"

I nodded and waved as they left. Silver and Blaze came up to me and I smiled at him, Knuckles and Tails were talking, Silver put a hand on my shoulder and Blaze stared daggers into my father. Tails shakes his head then walks towards.

"Sonic please don't ever do that again,"

I nodded as I say "Ok I will try not to,"

Tails nodded and talked away and into the garage, I frowned a little when Silver took his hand off my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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