Chapter 8

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But before we could get any closer to each other the door opened and Vanilla came in Sonic quickly got up and said.

"Oh V-Vanilla y..You're back,"he said, with his face all red

"Ya I am and thank you both,"she said taking off her coat

"Oh it's was fun right Shadow,"

"Whatever," is all he said and looked away.

As Vanilla looked at us she burst out laughing. We looked at her then at each other. That's when we saw the bows in quills. I started to smirk a little but Shadow got mad and took them out then crossed his arms together.

"Sooo Cream and Cheese are asleep,"I said after I calmed down

"Oh good and Sonic,?"she said

"Yes,?"Sonic said

"What were you doing to make you blush so red?"Vanilla asked

When she asked, Sonic's face got more red and he yelled.


She giggled a little at that then looked at me and smiled.

"So Shadow, did you have fun?"she asked

I looked at her and thought did I? I kind of had fun.

"Yes I did," I said

Sonic looked at me surprised to hear that but I didn't take to mind it (but I wish I did) at that moment there was a knock at the door and Vanilla went to go get it but Sonic ran to it and got in front of her.

"Sonic!?"Vanilla asked startled

"Well bye Vanilla,"he said, but only looking at the door.

And as he opened the door there were Tails, knuckles, and Amy as they looked at each other then at Sonic they were surprised.

"Sonic?"Tails asked

Sonic didn't say anything and just walked out of the door and past them.

"SONIKKU!"Amy yelled

"SONIC WAIT!"Knuckles yelled

As they ran after him and yelled his name and told him to wait I was getting ready to go then Vanilla said something that made me confused.

"Shadow, don't lose it,"

"Lose what?"I asked

"You should get going Rogue is maybe getting worried,"she said, with a smile

As I walk out of the door and onto the street I think about what Vanilla said to me 'don't lose what?' As I think about that I didn't know that I was walking to Sonic and Tails house until I was there in front of it. As I look at the blue and white house I hear someone yelling as I get closer and closer. It got louder and louder when I got to the living room window. I saw it was Tails yelling at Sonic and he was crying.

"Why are you acting like this?!"Tails yelled

Sonic didn't say anything and continued to cry.

"SONIC WOULD YOU STOP CRYING!!!"Tails yelled loud

And Sonic stopped but there were still tears in his eyes.


Before anyone could say anything the doorbell rang as Tails went to go get it Sonic walked to the living room... As I looked at the front door to see Blaze, Silver, Knuckles, and Amy I knew this was going to go so wrong, Tails opened the door mad.

"What's wrong?"Amy asked

"Oh just Sonic,"Tails said

"Oh what did he do this time?"Knuckles asked

Weak (Sonadow)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora