???: Here's your proof. Said smirking.

Y/N staggered back holding his gut finding it rather difficult to breathe. He fell to his knees coughing up blood again gasping for air.

???: Hehehehe, does that help you realize that this is very much real? Smirking confidently.

He slowly looked up at him holding his gut.

Y/N: J-Just what the hell are you?

???: What am I? Hehehehe, I'm sure already know that, don't you?

Y/N didn't say anything as he refused to say or believe anything.

???: How about you start by thanking me? After all, I was the one who slaughtered those bastards and healed your injuries.

Y/N: Say what? W-Why should I?

Suddenly, the man slammed his foot on his face kicking him back and he fell on his back. Just as he tried to get up, he slammed his foot down on his face preventing him from moving.

???: If it wasn't for me, you would be dead. So show some respect. Said smirking. Couse next time, I'll just take over your body and just slaughter everyone in sight.

This caught his attention as Y/N glared at him. He simply chuckled seeing this before slamming his foot down on his chest causing a few ribs to crack. Just as Y/N grunted from the pain, he knelt down next to him placing his hand just above his face.

???: Of course, I can just take over your body whenever I want to.

A bright red sphere appeared in the palm of his hand causing Y/N to panic.

???: So you know what I'm about to do, right? Smirking sinisterly.

Y/N: T-This.....isn't real. NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!!!

???: Hehehehe, you think so? Well, I guess I'll just have to show that this is very much real.

Just as Y/N was about to try to escape, the sphere expanded quickly engulfing him as he screamed in agony.

Suddenly his eyes shot up, and he screamed while sitting up, gasping for air. He felt utterly terrified after what just happened as his entire body was trembling in fear. While he was trying to steady his breathing, the sound of thundering footsteps came before the door swung open

???: What's wrong!!!

Y/N froze in his place before slowly looking at who burst through the door. The person who was standing in the doorway was Kyoko with Reiko and Jazmin coming a few seconds later.

Reiko: You're awake!! Said rather happily.

Jazmin: Thank goodness.

Reiko squeezed passed Kyoko wanting to hug Y/N. Just as she was ready to give him a big hug, Y/N got flashbacks to what happened when he got captured as he threw his pillow at her.

Y/N: Leave me alone!!!

Reiko: H-Hey. Said as she caught the pillow.

Jazmin: Y-Y/N.


As such, he started to throw anything he could get his hands on at them. Reiko and Jazmin were shocked and hurt seeing how Y/N was acting.

Reiko: I-It's ok.

Jazmin: You're safe.

However, he was still terrified after what he just wet through so he didn't listen. Before things could get any worse, Kyoko grabbed his wrists making him stop.

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