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??? Person's POV :

? : Y/N!!

We both turned our head to see.... Dr.Jungkook? Isn't he left to see his dad?

He ran towards me before taking her in his arms making that guy infront of me to glare at him, he was about to get to her but I held this guy..

Jungkook ran towards the emergency room leaving us both behind,

?? : What the hell are you doing?! I'm her husband!!

I immediately left him before bowing to him, because from what I heard from my colleagues he's a biggest business man, owns a lot of companies all over the world..

Me : I'm sorry! But i advice you to be calm-

He was looking at my name batch as he cutted off me,

Taehyung : Look Mr.Jay, I'm Her husband and I have all the rights to see her..

Jay : But sir, don't worry! She will be okay, cause she's strong...

Taehyung looked away, I can sense him being worried about Y/n, I know she will be okay because Dr.Jungkook is with her..

I'm trusting him because he's a well known doctor..

Jay : Mr.Kim please follow me, this way..

I showed him the way to the ICU where Dr.Jungkook is checking Y/n,

Jay : Mr.Kim, please be seated here, She'll be alright.. excuse me, I needed to be inside..

With that I walked inside the ICU, leaving Taehyung who was still standing there..

Taehyung's POV :

I don't know what I'm feeling now.. I don't know whether I should be happy that she is here or sad that she's in a state because I couldn't save her..?

I feel like banging my head somewhere, I walked towards the ICU and saw Y/n through the glass window..

A guy in a white coat was checking Y/n, while the nurses were watching him..

I sat on a chair while holding my head with my hands,

A few minutes later that guy in a white coat came outside and I immediately stood up before asking him,

Tae : Doctor, Is she alright..?

Doc : Don't worry, I will save her no matter what!

I noticed his batch with his name before he walked away..

Jeon Jungkook, What the-

Should I be happy that he will save her life or should I be jealous that I'm not the one who's saving Her?

The ICU'S door got opened as I diverted my attention towards the door, there my angel lying lifelessly on the white bed..

I looked at her but I couldn't walk towards her maybe because I feel so guilty that I could not save her?

The nurses and that Jay with them moved Y/n towards a room with a red bulb on the top.. and bold silver letters were beneath the red bulb and it says,


What happened to you, Y/n?

I remembered something, So I ran towards the direction where Jungkook went, I saw him in a room and I noticed him changed into a blue outfit..

Tae : Look, I really needed to know what happened to Y/n..! Or else I may go nuts..

Jk : You don't need to know..

Tae : What!? Yah! You need to let the patient's relatives to know about their condition..! It's the hospital rules, aren't it?

Jk : And there's also a rule, the doctors don't need to tell every relative of the patient about their condition..

Tae : Then who is her other relative here other than me?

Jk : Me.. I'm here..

Tae : You? Ha.. Who are you to her!?

Jk : Me? I'm her best friend!, Now my turn Who the hell are you?

Tae : Me? *Smirk* I'm her husband..

Jungkook's POV :

I widened my eyes before fixing my position, and smiled,

Jk : I already know about her condition, so you don't need to know..

At first I didn't wanted to tell him because maybe he will be more worried and now, I don't want to let him know, but I have to tell him because he's her HuSbAnD..

He placed his both hands on his hips before looking at me with an amused expression,

Tae : Hey.. you want to test my patience.. aren't you?... if you won't tell me about her then I'mma complain to your head office..

Jk : *sign* do you really want to know?

Tae : Yes!!

Jk : She.. she's poisoned.. and It needed to be removed from her body or else in a *checks his wrist watch* 20 minutes She will die..

Tae : WHAT!?.. Oh no.. can you ... Please tell me ... the name of that poison?

Is he for real? I said she will die in 20 minutes while he's interested in those poison more than his wife?.. the hell..

Jk : Arsenic.. It is a slow poison but the person who poisoned her have given her a maximum dose..

Suddenly he hugged me,

Tae : Please, please save her!

I hesitated before slowly patting his back,

Jk : I will..

He released the hug which were warm, comfortable brotherly..

I smiled reassured him before leaving the changing room..

Taehyung's POV :

As Jungkook left I fisted my palm,

Don't worry my angel, I will kill every fcking person who dared to do this to you! I promise..

To be Continued..

I hope everyone enjoyed..

and yes Arsenic is a poison which will start working after 24 to 72 hours but the killer had given her alot of dose that is why..

I made this chapter especially for PrathebaMuthu I will miss you❤️ take care

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