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Hi... Actually I want to say you all a sorry because, I had said I will update regularly but I couldn't due to some personal reasons..

and my exams are near and i can't guarantee anything for now.. anyway enjoy the chapter💜

Y/n POV:

It's Blood..

I suddenly remembered that person who pushed me had injected something on my neck..

I don't know what that person who pushed me injected in me..

I feel like my eyes are getting teary because maybe it's some sort of poison...

May be I had to die here.. who knows whether fate is by my side or on the opposite side?

But i try to stay strong..

I hate this place because it smells rotten corpes with a tint of formaldehyde..

That's... Yuck!

I hugged my knees as I don't know what I can do now... Hope someone saves me..

Min Ho'S POV:

I reached their house only to find it locked.. maybe they are on their to there ...i think..

I went back to my car and drove off to my house ...

Taehyung's POV :

I feel my head hurts a little.. it's been ten minutes i guess I've been acting as if I'm dead..

I slowly opened my eyes to find no one but that staff here with me ... 

She's not conscious I think..

I moved my hands a little to find it tied to the table behind me.. and you know what it's easy peasy lemon squeezy..

I removed the rope with in a minute and moved near that staff.. i tried to wake her by shaking her a little...

She didn't wake up.. I think that guy who had hit me must have placed chloroform in it ...

I need to wake her up so that I could know where Y/n is...

I searched inside the cabin and found a water bottle.. i splashed that water on that girl's face..

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me..

Girl : What .. h-happened?

Tae : That guy made us unconscious and left from here i guess..

Girl : Ohk..

Tae : Do you know where Y/n is?

Girl : She is your?

Tae : Wife..

Girl : Oh ... I don't know where she is but i only know she's here.. under the same roof as us..

Tae : What!?

Girl : Yeah.. By the way my name is Kang Yeona..

Tae : Hmmm ...

Yeona: let's get out from here and search for her together..

Tae : Ok..

We both stood up ...

Y/n POV :

I was hugging me knees.. suddenly my arms and legs started to hurt as if someone hits it with a hammer..

Y/n : Ahh~

I yelp in pain.. as soon as I yelp the pain become unbearable..

Y/n : What's happening!?.

I felt something wet on my nose..

I touched my nose to see blood coming out of it ...

Y/n : Oh no..

I said as I sensed something wrong ...

I couldn't breath properly.. as if someone blocked my oxygen pipe.. I'm getting scared by each passing second..

Suddenly i couldn't feel my legs and hands at all ... I couldn't move them.. i feel as if I'm paralysed...

Y/n : Please save me...

And everything blacks out..

To be continue...

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