iii. ale

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Cordelia wondered why she'd never drank with Uhtred and his men. They were every bit the joyous entertainment that she'd always sought after. Then again, she'd also never drank so heavily in her life. Uhtred's men downed their ale as though it were their dying last. As much as his men drank, it was as though Uhtred's men drank for him.

"Is the ale not to your liking?" Cordelia questioned, burping slightly as she downed more ale. Vision became something of the past as well as the concept of balance. Hands steadied her, placing her on her arse beside his men. For a time she'd been drinking with the other women from their court, as the night grew they began retreating to their chambers.
Although the marriage was a mere facade, Cordelia herself couldn't resists a celebration, not when she may not get another.

"Sihtric it seems your new wife is drunk," Uhtred's amusement was evident in his voice.
Sihtric and Finan were just as drunk, perhaps more, though Cordelia had hardly ever drank. Nor has she ever been permitted to.

"Is this the first time the lady has ever drank?" Finan pondered, his voice booming closer, her head was becoming fuzzy and her vision slightly blurring.

"Well, ladies of the court are not often permitted to indulge. She's also Lord Odda's daughter." A becoming voice came from behind them, Abess Hild. Cordelia jumped from excitement, almost falling back on her arse until a hand steadied her by her waist. Sihtric and Finan stood on either side of her, ensuring she did not fall flat on her face. Hild wrapped her arms around Cordelia, in greeting and protection.

"I heard you've been wed,"

"Ah yes," Cordelia gripped Sihtric's arm, in a sloshy manner, "Here is my dear husband. He's quite the warrior I've heard," She paused, "and quite the looker," Cordelia winked as Hild chuckled. She felt the hand on her waist tighten, eliciting a feeling that she'd only felt for a few instances.

"Sihtric?" Hild paused though there was a smile making its way on her lips, she looked to Uhtred, "Of course you'd somehow be a part of this,"

"I am not, I only wished to do as the Lady had asked,"

"For once, this is one of his schemes that's actually helped someone." Gisela jests, she had been the most ecstatic upon hearing about her marriage, and it had saddened her that she hadn't been in attendance.

"Now I shall inform you, that the Lady must return to her chambers." Hild came closer as she spoke the next words, only so their small group could hear, "And that if she were really wed, her man would accompany her to her chambers." Hild paused, "There are spies, the lot of them your fathers and they will talk if you do not appear to look married."

While the ale had blurred her senses, she was still well aware of what was implied. If their marriage even as much appeared false, her father and perhaps mother, may force her hand in another marriage much sooner. Uhtred understood what's been said, and with the growing stiffness from Finan and Sihtric.

"The Lady must retire," Uhtred declared, though neither of his men or her ladies were remotely close to listening.

Cordelia felt a burning question as she snuck looks at Sihtric.
"May I have a word, Uhtred?"

The cold air pinched her skin as they both stepped outside, she gave a brief glance at her new husband and couldn't help notice the look of concern upon his harsh features. It both warmed her heart and sent a chill down her spine, she doesn't intend to fall for this man, no matter how trusted he is by Uhtred. Cordelia no longer had any intention of marriage after this present, she does not wish her family name, land or honor to be stolen by men with ambition, for she had her own.

"May I ask," It was difficult to put into words the question brewing upon her lips, "Why him?"

The look of confusion was all Uhtred provided her.

"Why Sihtric? Out of all...all your men?" Her words became more and more of a slurred speech rather than serious questioning and Uhtred only gave a slight chuckle before providing her with an answer.

"He's a good man, he'd been asking for my blessing to wed. The woman he'd chosen-" he paused, as Gisela stepped through the doors, answering for him.

"Uhtred did not see her worthy enough," It seemed as though it was a sensitive subject. One that Cordelia did not mean to pry on. Gisela steadied her with an arm, as Cordelia's head rolled onto her shoulder. Cordelia rested on Gisela's shoulder, the closest thing to having the support of a mother, as her own had been nowhere in sight.

After a long silence, she spoke, "Did he love her?"

"He believed so," Gisela whispered.

"He was not." Uhtred stated, a final statement towards her.

"Lord Uhtred, you instructed me to find you again," Another voice, from the steps of the ale house. A voice she was not familiar with, though she felt her body collapse towards the voice. It was only then she realized the familiar voice and eyes. She'd only known him a few times, when Leofric had took care of them as children, they'd been raised together, though never with the Kings own children. Only them two, as she'd been one of the only people allowed to be in the boys company.

"Osferth," She slurred, surprised and happily as she attempted to fix herself up.

"My-my Lady?" Osferth's eyes scanned her, his grip loosening when Gisela steadied her. At the same time Finan and Sihtric stumbled through the doors.

"Lord Uhtred, this is Osferth. I grew up training with his uncle, Leofric." Osferth stepped aside as Sihtric approached them, "Oh Osferth, this is my husband," she hiccuped as her body slouched instinctively upon Sihtric. A reaction she'd been quick to correct as she leaned closer to Gisela.

"I think it's time I take the lady to her chambers."


As they approached her chambers there hadn't been many Lords or Ladies to greet, though Sihtric still kept a light grasp on her, steading themselves as they approached her rooms. There were always guards patrolling the halls, meaning there were still eyes upon them.

With her mind clouded with ale, she'd still managed to reach her chambers and swiftly open up her doors. As if her body moved on memory, she began undoing the ties of the cloak around her, it was only when she began undoing her bodice that she'd heard a stifled cough by the door. Sihtric, entered her rooms cautiously as he locked the doors behind him. Cordelia knew, she should still feel a sense of fear, she did not know this man, but the substances had made her senses weak. Mumbling she removed the bodice, with the metal of her dagger hitting the stone floor. Cordelia sat on her bed and failed in removing her laced boots, when she reached to try again, a hand stopped her.

Cordelia hadn't realized that Sihtric himself had removed the leathers of his top, leaving him in only a white tunic, with his clothes and daggers littering the floor. As she let him help her undress she could feel herself drifting off to sleep.

"Don't try anything funny," She whispered, feeling her feet freed from their confinements, she shimmied the remaining thick fabric of her skirts until she was left in only her thin white under gown. Usually Cordelia would be much more demure, though the ale had provided her with a lack of care.

Her body knew where on her bed she slept and in time, she began drifting to sleep, almost forgetting the presence with her. The bed shifted as she felt the weight of a man drop into her sheets. As Sihtric settled into her bed, Cordelia couldn't help the thoughts that entered her head. Would life simply be just this? A loveless marriage? A false matrimony where we're forced to sleep on the same bed but facing different sides? Would she really be content living a fraction of her life this way?

"I'm only doing my duty, Lady" The words cut through her slurred thoughts, realizing he was right. She'd asked- no, begged Uhtred for a solution, she begged for this type of arrangement. She cannot blame nor expect anything from this man.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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